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Thread: Enter the Eagle

  1. #1

    Enter the Eagle

    I have an Eagle magna 111 which is rattling something terrible. Any tips on how to get inside to see what's rattling (it worked before the rattle) would be really appreciated, I've tried everything excpt demolishing the case.



  2. #2

    Re: Enter the Eagle

    If its anything like an older "Fish Easy" model then your chances of getting in are zero.

    This old model of mine developed a rattle and then wouldn't function correctly too. After looking all over, peeling stickers off, I gave up. Ended up getting the hacksaw out and ran a cut right through the unit and made 2 halves. There was no way to get inside any other way, rather more curious as to what it looked like inside.

    I've since bought another sounder, good luck.

    Regards Cameron.

  3. #3

    Re: Enter the Eagle

    Thanks cam, i sorta figured that may be the case...May do a job on it just for a look see. Thanks for your input anyways.

    Cheers ,


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