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Thread: Tip: Scratched GPS/Plotter screens

  1. #1

    Tip: Scratched GPS/Plotter screens

    Thought I would post a tip that may come in handy at some stage. As your GPS or plotter screens get older and begin getting fine scratches on them (especially the handheld ones that get used for a number of different things, like hiking, fishing etc) you can bring them back to new by applying a small amount of toothpaste (any brand) to the tip of your finger and in small circular motions, lightly rub the entire screen. You do not need much pressure and I suggest you do it in small passes, ie do it , rinse off and inspect, if it needs more do it again. I have used this many times over the years with excellent results.

    Put it in the back of the mind somewhere, it may come in handy,

    Cheers, Mick

    PS... As with all tips, I take no responsibility but would not pass it on if it did not work

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Tip: Scratched GPS/Plotter screens

    Thanks for the tip. It inspired me to try it on an old scratched DVD that no longer played. It worked well with the small scratches, in-fact after a few attempts it took all the small scratches totally out. However, the big deeper scratches may need a little more work before I can get it to play again.

    Great tip.....thanks!

  3. #3

    Re: Tip: Scratched GPS/Plotter screens

    I have tried mag wheel polish on my dvd's works well..dont know about the screens on GPS's ect ect.....

    Ohh also if your car or trailer tail and blinker lights are dull and faded brings them up close to new.

    Mick.. I will give the toothpaste a go..thanks.


  4. #4

    Re: Tip: Scratched GPS/Plotter screens

    Does the screen taste better when you lick it?

  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member hoga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Tip: Scratched GPS/Plotter screens


  6. #6

    Re: Tip: Scratched GPS/Plotter screens

    Toothpaste rubbed into your headlights glass will take away the "yellow" colour from old age too....

    Toothpaste is just a fine polish... It also cleans jewlery well

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