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Thread: Is this how it goes?

  1. #1

    Is this how it goes?

    Dual battery setup, this is how I had planned to do it, was I about to fry something?

  2. #2

    Re: Is this how it goes?


  3. #3

    Re: Is this how it goes?

    thats how we run ours with no probs

    we just fully rewired a 6.5mtr boat with no probs at all just remember to use a good quality wire and a fairly heavy main wire for your accessories cause we use alot of elctronics these days we have 15 switchs on our new boat so the wire has to be heavy enough to run all if we used them all at once


  4. #4

    Re: Is this how it goes?

    Yep, that'll work just fine.

    Only thing I would add would be a 15A fuse as close to the switch as possible to feed your accessories.
    Gold Coast

  5. #5

    Re: Is this how it goes?

    Ok, great, thanks for the input guys.


  6. #6

    Re: Is this how it goes?

    .....and use tinned wire and at the joins use a heatshrink with the resin in it for waterproofing. Solder joints, don't use the crimp connection thingos.
    Good luck on the project.

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