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Thread: Navionics gold cards

  1. #1

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    I copied the files to my computer with no ill effect. But am unable to read them off another card. What program did you use to try to read or view the files?

  2. #2

    Navionics gold cards

    I am about to purchase a navionics gold 62G mmc card. I contacted the navionics company today and asked if the cards can be plugged into a computer and print off charts for personal use. I was told that it would wipe the card, is this true or are they having a lend of me. What happened to the ability to back up a copy of the original.

    At $380 a pop its a worry.

    There is software out there that can utilize the data but I am not sure how versitile this software is.

    Can anyone out there help me?

    Will use it on an eagle fishstrike 1000c

  3. #3

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    I can tell you that they are correct in what they advise. We have never had the ability to copy a navionics mmc card. I tried and it cost me 200 bucks for my effort. The cards info was deleted on the copy command. I took it to a M8 who is pretty good on puta stuff and it was impossible to recover the info.
    I used 'bad copy pro' to copy the new $200 navionics mmc card but when I open it it has a heap of horrorgliffics...I copied it to another mmc but I cannot get my gps to recoginse it properly. I just cannot get the original computer copy time right. I have been changing the time and date on my puta and then making a copy of the original...but I have to get the copy time correct to the second. I have the gps seeing the mmc but wont open the map due to the timing thing.

    cheers Baldy

  4. #4

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    If you arr going to do this you need to use a shadow copy or backup not a copy and paste

  5. #5

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    Putting them in your puta wont break them, i know! You cant copy them which is a bummer. I want to put mine on a bigger card. Watch this space, I am analysing mine at the moment in great detail as Navionics refused to transfer it to a larger card for me. (I am a puta programmer!).

  6. #6

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    BTW. I wrote a program today that reads every single sector (piece of data) off the card and it still works fine.

  7. #7

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    So Andy if we don't see you on here for a while we can assume that all did not go well and you stuffed ya keyboard with all those tears

    just kidding mate.. hope you find a way

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  8. #8

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    Andy whats your specialty? do max scripting and shockwave and web based stuff?

    Tangles KFC

  9. #9

    Re: Navionics gold cards

    Quote Originally Posted by Aigutso View Post
    Andy whats your specialty? do max scripting and shockwave and web based stuff?

    Nah mate, C++. I am one of those hardcore programmers. Unfortunately I dont fit the stereotype thought, as I spend more time at the pub drinking beer than I do sitting in front a puter drinking jolt cola

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