dose any one have a second hand one for sale.
dose any one have a second hand one for sale.
Sorry bigblock!
Theres no way i'm selling mine
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
ian i had one in my last boat befor i sold it know i have furuno fcv-582l in the boat it dose not come close to the ff50 jrc . i have sold it kown, i recond it is one off the best sounders on the market today.
I bought a PLOT500F from the States minus the transducer and GPS antennae and had it landed at my door four days later for $1014. Stil learing how to use it and can't wait till I can give it a go on the reef.
my frend just got one from us same price with trancducer x gps12 arial
Hey bigblock
Don't get a plot 500 in my opinion it is not the same beast as the ff50 much harder to run and it lacks the features!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
Originally Posted by bigblock
BB - For what reasons do u believe the jrc ff50 is not close to the 582l?