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Thread: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

  1. #1

    Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    Hey guys,

    Just wondering where you mount your sounders in Tinny?

    On the right hand of my seat (tiller Controlled) or just on the wooden floor board.

    Bonus about seat is don't need to keep my head down for too long and run into something.

    Bonus on the floor is not in direct sunlight and not open to too much salt spray.

    Your thoughts?

  2. #2

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    I put mine just to the right of me on the seat. No problems. I take care to keep it covered when the sun is very strong and it is waterproof so that's ok. Joey.

  3. #3

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    I have made a small consol and mounted it and the GPS on that. Right hand side, in a good position to view it. Also it's mostly out of the salt spray. Might even try to dig up a pic of it.

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  4. #4

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    I made a little bracket that sits towards to left. Out of the way and still easy to read. Close to the power thingo as well.

    I must be a lot fatter then you blokes because there's no way I could steer from the left of the tiller or fit a sounder on the seat between my fat butt and the right hand side of the boat.

  5. #5

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    Better perspective of positioning
    If I was doing it again though I'd be putting it on the RHS just in front of me just like Lucky Phil describes.

  6. #6

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    That setup looks pretty smick

    I just gradded a plastic container and some wood today so will make up something and see how it goes

  7. #7

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    i got my sounder/gps on a ram mount. cd player and vhf are in a custom built box.



  8. #8

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny


  9. #9

    Re: Mounting Sounder in Tinny

    Hi, has the tinny ever been in the water yet, it looks good, great seat.

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