Have an opportunity to get a MK copilot (cheap) for my Riptide 55AP. Are they worth having? Any drawbacks? Don't know anyone who has one and I'd be grateful for any advice.
Have an opportunity to get a MK copilot (cheap) for my Riptide 55AP. Are they worth having? Any drawbacks? Don't know anyone who has one and I'd be grateful for any advice.
My personal oppinion at this present time is that if I was to fit a co-pilot system to my Riptideautopilot, I'd be taking a step backwards, cause you need your hands to operate this function, where I'd use the standard foot peddle to keep me hands free to allow me to do the most important thing, FISHING!! And you dirty minded people thought I was going to say something else. LOL
Don't get me wrong, they sound like a great idea, especially if your at the back of the boat, acting like a guide or doing something, but if I had to pay for one, I myself would give it a miss.
My two cents worth
Gday, I have a 70lb 24 Volt riptide with Auto pilot and Co-pilot. The co-pilot is AWSOME. You can clip the remote to any rod you have and fish and drive the whole time without your hands leaving the rod. I know it is the same with the foot control but you can walk all around the boat without havin to trip over the bloody cord and be stuck in the one position. I know a couple of other guys that have them and thay ALL say it is money well spent and I agree. If you can get one cheap, GRAB IT. You wont now how good they are till you use it.
I was gunna start a string about a question I have on autopilots but you guys may be able to help me.
I am looking at getting the RT55-AP and have heard raves about the autopilot. I have had a quick look at the unit itself and from memory it has the autopilot button on the head. Do you just turn it on and off when you are heading the way u want. The reason I ask is coz my position on the boat is up the back away from the bow mount and I wouldn't want to run up the front to put the autopilot on and off all the time.
If I get the copilot can I turn the autopilot on and off with it? Can the foot control still be used or do you have to unplug that to plug the copilot in?
It would be good if the missus could drive me out of snags with the foot control from the front of the boat when I hook up and vice versa me for her with the copilot from the back.
I just don't wanna do what I usually do and go out and buy the thing and find out it doesn't work the way I thought it would.
G'day themooks,
I've got a RT55 with autopilot and the only hassle is the on/off button on the head, but my youngun' just hits that for me when I need it. It works a treat as it remembers your last direction so if you change in the sticks or in the creek bed, she will follow the new course every time without having to turn off and on for each course correction. Found it great up at Awoonga over Easter for flicking along the edges of the sticks and just pushing the on speed control and kicking off again when ready.
Don't have the copilot but again, the youngun' uses the foot control up the front , or me down the back, depending on what we're doing and don't have any major hassles.
Just as a point of interest I find the RP55 weed resisting prop cavitates fairly often in tidal waters. Anyone else have a problem with the new props?
Understand your thought about the cord - it always gets in the way. Always thought they needed a wireless foot control! Is the co-pilot easy to fit to an existing motor?Originally Posted by scrotty
Gday, The co-pilot is very easy to fit. You just plug it in to the normal foot control plug and screw the recieving module onto the side of the existing bow mount. It comes with longer bolts and all you need to fit it. It takes about 10 minutes to fit. You can still use the auto-pilot it does not affect any other function. I found I needed some extra remote clips to put on all of my rods to hold the remote but you can by them seperate in a pack of 6 and they are not very expensive.
l got my Copilot from the States.... Top unit and only half the price Works a treat...
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