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Lowrance 337
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Thread: Lowrance 337

  1. #1

    Lowrance 337

    Thinking very seriously about picking up one of these puppies.
    Can anyone advise me on this unit at all? Seems to be quite the unit. Will be replacing my existing Humminbird combo unit.

  2. #2
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Lowrance 337

    Heya Volcano.

    Looking at one of these myself - also replacing a Humminbird combo. Been told by a couple of dealers that there should be some decent specials to be had at the Sanctuary Cove Boat Show this weekend. Apparently, Lowrance do deals where they throw in a map card with the unit. They've also brought out their own mapping cards (NauticPath) which look pretty good.

    If you want to see how it works on your PC, download the 337 emulator:

    Looks might fine.


  3. #3

    Re: Lowrance 337

    i got one from the states , im pretty happy with it . i got it for $980 aus landed here but had to buy a map for $350

  4. #4

    Re: Lowrance 337

    I've just bought a 339C DF iGPS which has cost me $US635 in total which is arounf $AU820.This is with Global Express shipping with tracking and fully insured.I tried to get an Eagle SeaCharter 502C DF IGPS but the seller(and others) were having a shiiate loud of problems with getting them from the company for some reason.The 339 has 480x480 resolution and all the goodies & I was looking at getting better pixelation whilst the other was on order.Cost an extra $US160 though.It's also a new model but there's been no problems with getting it even though they're the same mob

  5. #5

    Re: Lowrance 337

    moater , that is a good price with shipping included , can i ask who you got it through

  6. #6

    Re: Lowrance 337

    G'day marco,

    Have Fun!

  7. #7

    Re: Lowrance 337

    FOr anyone who is interested, I ended up getting it from

  8. #8
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Lowrance 337

    I'm cursed when it comes to buying stuff overseas, so I picked up a 337 from the boat show yesterday. Sure pays to shop around even there. There weren't any deals like last year (like throwing in a map card), but still saved quite a few $$.

    Big thanks to Ricky from Northside Marine and Steve from Lowrance for putting up with all my questions and looking after me.

    The 337 also had a transom-mount speed sensor in the package, which I wasn't expecting. I guess the 339 will have the same.

    Got the fuel flow sensor, too. Can't wait to put it in.

    In a previous post, I mentioned the NauticPath maps. According to Steve, they are great for navigating (and are cheaper and give you all of Australia), but the Navionics maps give a bit more detail if you use it mainly for fishing.

  9. #9
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Lowrance 337

    Hmmm... Seem to be cursed buying locally, too. Turned on the 337 for the first time today to find that the backlight is flickering horrendously.

    It'll be going back first thing tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get a straight swap since I only bought it Friday. Eek.

  10. #10

    Re: Lowrance 337

    Meat, What sort of deal did you get at the boat show?


  11. #11

    Re: Lowrance 337

    Quote Originally Posted by moater
    G'day marco,

    Have Fun!

    thats who i used , you got a better deal then me lol

  12. #12
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Lowrance 337


    Got the unit for $1235 + $250 for the local chart. I know it's more expensive than going overseas, but with the first unit being faulty, was able to walk into Northside Marine this arv where they powered it up, saw the problem, and handed over a new head unit straight away.

    Bought the fuel flow sensor as well - another $189. Lowrance threw in a node kit and extension cable free - over $100 worth.

    All up, saved over $200 with the deal from Northside and the free stuff from Lowrance, so no complaints here - nearly paid for the chart.


  13. #13

    Re: Lowrance 337

    Lowrance has had a great time at the show. We bought one to
    Spent allday Sunday putting it in, only got to get some light wire for it to reach the new vhf and we are totally upgraded and digital.

    Can't wait for Sat morning, to try it out and muck around getting the transducer angle right
    Boy oh boy what a confusing decision though, got down to how complicated the menu was to operate

  14. #14

    Re: Lowrance 337

    Got a good deal there Meat. I also got one from the boat show on Sunday. Got the unit for $1200 and the East coast chart for $300 (so about the same money). After hearing the problem with yours I went straight out and wired it up last night. So far so good(fingers crossed). Good to hear that they replaced the unit straight away rather than the usual send it back for repair deal. Seems they are going to be a popular unit.


  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Lowrance 337


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