Hi folks, I have search and read plenty of info, and the questions put forward in many threads are very similar to the one I am about to ask, but I am going to ask it anyhoo.
Being an absolute boating newbie and having just purchased my first boat (Sig 500c) what would you consider to be the most suitable sounder (fish finder) for my needs and experience (realistically - nil).
I will be sticking to the estuaries, inside or around the Pin for quite sometime and won't consider going off shore or into the unknown untill I have either completed a bar crossing course or have someone escort me that has plenty of experience, knowledge and my trust. (Weather and condition permitting).
So far I have been considering the Lowrance x135 or x136, or other brand varients. Would it be worth me getting a dual frequency? Should I save more $$$ and get a coloured model if I am to eventually go out in the semi deep (local reefs). Or stick to models mentioned or another brand untill the time to venture comes. As by then newer models will/may be an option, maybe cheaper and my inowledge and understanding will have increased...I hope
I am a firm believer in the K.I.S.S method (Keep It Simple Stupid).
With your hind sight experience and knowledge, indulge me please.