I have a Furuno fcv620 currently onroute
These guys are gggreatand the best price I could find
I have a Furuno fcv620 currently onroute
These guys are gggreatand the best price I could find
Retired Honda Master Tech
I've used bozer imports a few times too, no problems.
I get all my stuff from Scuba Steve's Marine/Westchase Products. One thing he will do is ship as a gift on customs documents and also show a value you want. You can avoid some VAT is a lot of cases. Great prices and service to boot. http://www.############### or http://www.westchaseproducts.com
I have ordered from West Marine quite a few times and never had a problem, recommended.
Three Rivers Marine in Philadelphia. Just bought a Furuno sounder off them and the service and savings were great. Try them.The guy's name is Clint. www.threeriversmarine.com