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Thread: route transducer cable

  1. #1

    route transducer cable

    hi people

    am about to install a sounder in new alum fwd steer boat and was wondering how your transducer cable was routed?
    I will run it along the gunals but should it be on the opposite side to the rest of the wiring harness?(have seen boats at dealers where all wiring is in same harness)
    If you are supposed to route on opposite side to controls then why is the transducer bracket on the same side?

    I am aware that electrical interferance can cause problems and are asking you guys how is yours set up + have you had problems?

    cheers Dan

  2. #2

    Re: route transducer cable

    It really depends on your sounder.
    I spent considerable time a while ago purposly trying to cause electricial interference to my Garmin FF250 without success. So when I rewired my boat I ran all the cables togeather.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: route transducer cable

    I ran all the cables together on the starboard side of flamin problems

    Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel

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