just wondering if anybody can give me any info about these units are they any good
looking at buying one
does the gps antenne come with the unit and is the sounder any chop
any help much apprieciated
just wondering if anybody can give me any info about these units are they any good
looking at buying one
does the gps antenne come with the unit and is the sounder any chop
any help much apprieciated
frenzy i cant help you with the 1000c but i have the 500c fish elite and it is great no probs with the gps and the pixels are really good the antenna came with mine and it has a small lift peice with it or you can flush mount it.my mate has two on his rig and has had one small prob but eagle was very professional in fixing it and in quick time too,
thanx warrior
yeah having some problems it was supposed to come with an antenne
but it wasnt in the box
but theve been very helpful,and rightly so.
frenzy, do you mind if i ask if you bought locally or import? too late i guess, but i had the same thoughts w/ the 2000C DF i ordered.
turned out the antanae came w/ it, as did the speed sensor, which i was pretty happy about. (just arrived this arvo, i can't stop playing with it!!)
i couldn't buy the antanae and transducer locally for what i got mine for.
The pricing policies of the manufacturers in this country stinks, nuff said.
pixel count should be pretty good on the 1000c, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak, and only a water test will tell.
If you already bought it, good luck and enjoy it, and don't start comparing it to the big dollar machines around or you will keep second-guessing yourself.
If you are still lookin and would consider an import, pm me and i will let you know the details on mine.
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.
Check your PM's.
done m8, check yours.
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.
Wouldn't mind info on importing one of these myself. Would you mind sending me the details?
Mudlux, check your p.m.'s
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.
Thanks for the PM Dieter, your right about the price. One more question, (cant send PM's yet) which checkout option did you use for the purchase?
mudlux, i just used my credit card. i was happy with doing it that way, but i know some ppl wouldn't. they do have an option to pay by PayPal for the extra security and confidence.
i had no dramas at all with the transaction, very smooth, and plenty of emails to keep you informed and up to date on where its all at.
any more q's, feel free to ask.
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But ,flogging him into submission will result in him taking up crabbing.... and once he gets a taste of that sh*t, well, he may never return again.