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Me Lawerence X51 is bung!
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Thread: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

  1. #1

    Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    Hey all

    Just bought a 3.25 Alley that came with a Lawrence X51 sounder. Finally got it wet today and the dam sounder wouldn't work....and trust me I tried....must have pushed every button combo known to man. It powers up....but it juts wont get a bottom...Just sits blinking 0.0 at me.

    I tried changing the range and the sensitivity...checked the angle of the transducer (which is out beside the engine)...all looks Ok. Transducer doesn't feel like it has taken a hit...cable all looks ok...checked the connectors at the back of the unit???

    Has anyone struck this with these. Have I missed one of those simple things!


  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    Does the transducer "tick"? I suppose the transducer would be the most obvious fault...I've got one listed for sale at the moment if you're really stuck - I'll try to see what it does when powered up with the transducer disconnected when I get home (to see if it tells you that, or just does what yours is doing).

    Good luck,

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    Was it new or a seconhand boat? If new take it back to the dealer, if secondhand you will have to send it to the lowrance people to fix/repair, I had the same prob with two x91's.
    Cheers Ian

  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    I'm still guessing mate - my X51 does what you're experiencing with the transducer disconnected. However, it still blinks 0.0 when it's out of the water and connected (ie not reading depth). You can definitely hear it ticking though on my (working) one. If you can't hear it, I'd say the transducer's either not connected properly or plain old cactus

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck,

  5. #5

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    Hi guys and thanks for your posts...

    Mike, I got onto Lowrence today and ran it past the tech team there (turns out they are down the Gold Coast). They tell me that it could juts need a software reset...apparently they can get a bit mixed up at times and need this reset performed!! So here is the sequence.

    Reset Procedure for Lowrence X50-58 Sounder
    1. Turn the Unit OFF
    2. Press and hold down the UP arrow
    3. At the same time press and hold the POWER Button
    You should now get an on screen message " Production Test Mode"
    4. Now release buttons and press CLEAR button 5 times
    You should now get an on screen message "System Information"
    5. Now press the menu down button....Unit will now shut off and reset.


    Sounds like fun....the man in the know tells me that this can be required from time to time....failing that "it's probably stuffed & bring it in so we can test it"

    Didn't get a chance to do this today....but will try it in the .am and let you fellas know how I got on!!! Thanks again for the advice...At least I know the Ducer should be ticking.



  6. #6

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    does anyone have an x51 setup that i can try my head unit on....I would love to AT LEAST TRY IT BEFORE I BIN IT. have tried the reset procedure from lowrence and it is still not working. i cannot get my transducer to TICK so i am guessing its the cause.

    I live in the Redlands (Brisbane QLD)...????


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member skippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!


    Try the boys at Trymax Marine, crn New Cleveland and Old Cleveland Rds Capalaba, worth a shot to talk to them before you dump it. Got great service and advice from them last year.

    Good luck,
    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  8. #8

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    Mine works without the transducer connected and the reset function works too. Gee I hope mine never does this, I just got it second hand ( $50 ). They seem like a good little unit.

    Im in Hervey Bay and not a lot of help to test yours out on.

    If you do decide to chuck it out, then I would be happy to take it for spare parts if you dont mind.


  9. #9

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    Thanks Skippa...I will check them out this week!!

    Big_unit if it comes back stuffed...Its as good as your mate!! I will keep ya posted!


  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Me Lawerence X51 is bung!

    Got a mate who had one,was onto the fourth one inside the warranty period,they just seemed to pick up condensation so quickly,actually had the screen on mark3 showing up condensation on its first trip out.Got to the stage where it was a joke and he offered to pay extra to upgrade to a better model,but Lowrance would not come to the party,so he bought another brand.

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