Have just tried out the warranty system for the new Jarvis Marine Watersnake Electric motors. Had mine on the boat for around three weeks and started to have some issues. Was out at peel the other day and I plugged it all in and it wouldn't turn on but would turn left and right. Undid the battery terminals and it worked as normal. Didn't think anymore of it. Went out on Saturday and the same thing happened but it didn't matter what I did it wouldn't turn on, ie wouldn't pulse. Gave the service centre a call and dropped it off to a place at karalee the next day. They picked it up from there and I got credit the same day. Had a faulty circuit board they said. Anyway have the new electric, still a watersnake, on the boat now and am taking it too Maroon tomorrow. Overall I was pretty happy with the service and the fact that they gave me a shiny new electric. But then again given that I work for the company that sells them you would hope so wouldn't you?For the record they said that "that was the first with that issue that they have seen."
Anyway overall I am pretty happy now I will see if I can break this one.
Cheers Scott