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Navman external Antenna
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Thread: Navman external Antenna

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Navman external Antenna

    I just purchased the Navman 5605x The antenna is going to be fitted onto the top of the windscreen on my centre console and i don't want lots of cable hanging around it possible to shorten the cable from the antenna to the back of the unit to less than a metre? and is it a job for the Navman factory or could my local electrical outlet do the job and get it watertight??


  2. #2

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    There is really no problem with making things shorter BUT one day you might require it longer then it's a bit of a bumma, having to join wires etc.

    If it is a NMEA type antenna and depending how the antenna cable is connected/terminated then it can be akward if special plug fittings are required.

    I suppose if I had a peek at a 5605x it might be more obvious?

    Regards, Kerry.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Navman external Antenna


    Would it be better to pick a spot on top of the gunnel and run the cable under the floor rather than attempt shortening the cable? Also if i positioned it in the middle of the transom "which wouldn't affect fishing either side of the donk" is there a chance the signal might be affected being so close to the motor? There are lots of places forward of the console but there are rails which also might affect the signal , perhaps the answer might be to fix it on top of the gunnel rail somehow??


  4. #4

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Why not coil it up and zip tie it in a coil, dont think it will cause any interference ? (kerry one for you).

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Quote Originally Posted by blaze
    Why not coil it up and zip tie it in a coil, dont think it will cause any interference ? (kerry one for you).
    Its a good idea Blaze but im not sure if i want 9m of coiled up cable on the console even if it is tucked behind the sounder and gps....maybe the other option is to drill the hole in the console as if i had to run the cable underfloor and cable tie it inside and pull the plug back through the same hole and into the back of the unit and a blob of silicone to seal the hole?


  6. #6

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    My preference would be to mount on the top as you planned and run into the console then back out into the unit, with the bulk of the wire stored inside the console.

    Not fussed too much about anywhere on the gunnel!

    Still haven't checked exactly what style of antenna this is but I'm guessing NMEA so coiling it up really would not have any issues?

    Regards, Kerry.

  7. #7

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    I'd be drilling the small hole and doing the coil trick to hide the cable
    One thing though...with 9m of cable coiled in a loop under console where other wires that power other gismo's (especially high power users ie VHF radios on the 25W setting) are in close proximity there is a possibility of induced voltages. A bit like how a 240-12v transformer works (Thanks Mr Faraday)

    I'd be trying to make the coils as large as possible (ie giving you the least number of loops) and to make the coil, don't coil it up like an extension lead or ball of string. Pull all the left over cable out so you have like a big long U shape in the wire then grab both of the wires (close to where you want the loop to start) and start making the coil. When you get to the end you should end up with a little U in the wire. This is in fact making two coils with the direct of the wire going in two directions. This will eliminate any chance of induced voltages. Just to be on the safe side

    The principle behind this is pretty much the opposite of the electro magnetics we made as kids with a bit of copper wire, some sticky tape, a battery and a 4" nail

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Quote Originally Posted by finga
    I'd be drilling the small hole and doing the coil trick to hide the cable
    One thing though...with 9m of cable coiled in a loop under console where other wires that power other gismo's (especially high power users ie VHF radios on the 25W setting) are in close proximity there is a possibility of induced voltages. A bit like how a 240-12v transformer works (Thanks Mr Faraday)

    I'd be trying to make the coils as large as possible (ie giving you the least number of loops) and to make the coil, don't coil it up like an extension lead or ball of string. Pull all the left over cable out so you have like a big long U shape in the wire then grab both of the wires (close to where you want the loop to start) and start making the coil. When you get to the end you should end up with a little U in the wire. This is in fact making two coils with the direct of the wire going in two directions. This will eliminate any chance of induced voltages. Just to be on the safe side

    The principle behind this is pretty much the opposite of the electro magnetics we made as kids with a bit of copper wire, some sticky tape, a battery and a 4" nail
    Scared me to death Finga I've e-mailed Navman to see if they can shorten the cable ...but 24hrs later and still no reply

    Thanks Guys

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    This is the reply i got from Navman today

    "The antenna cable is a coaxial cable. Navman do not shorten cables but
    if you wanted to cut it and rejoin it that would be possible However it
    would void the warranty on the antenna"

    Kerry is this an easy job for someone in the know?? I think the benefits of not having to drill more holes in the console etc far outweigh the disadvanges as the boat is only a year old and theres no chance of me getting another one and needing the longer cable .

  10. #10

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Can you take a picture of the plug with a ruler or the such next to it??
    The trick would be getting another plug that's the same.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    try dick smiths they have plugs and joiners for these cables.

    recently joined antenna cable on a garmen 128 without any apparent problems


  12. #12

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Another thought is to have a sticky-beak at the aerial/antennae itself. Sometimes these can be pulled apart and the 'shortening' can be done here a lot easier then at the plug end.
    Sometimes they're sealed to

  13. #13

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Coax! No I wouldn't be pulling the antenna itself apart!

    Cutting and fitting a new connector (if this is really what you wish to do !!) isn't a problem and if done properly will be as good as (possibly better than) the original. The only drama can sometimes be getting the same plug if not one of the standard types.

    Crimp type are best and heatshrink over the crimp but require the proper crimping tool.

    Type of plug is going to be the decider especially if it is some fangled navman special type? Description? Push on and twist? screw on? and if screw on the type of inner pin?

    Regards, Kerry.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    Coax! No I wouldn't be pulling the antenna itself apart!

    Cutting and fitting a new connector (if this is really what you wish to do !!) isn't a problem and if done properly will be as good as (possibly better than) the original. The only drama can sometimes be getting the same plug if not one of the standard types.

    Crimp type are best and heatshrink over the crimp but require the proper crimping tool.

    Type of plug is going to be the decider especially if it is some fangled navman special type? Description? Push on and twist? screw on? and if screw on the type of inner pin?

    Regards, Kerry.
    Is it not possible to use the same plug?? i was hoping if i cut a 35cm disntance from the plug and 75 cm from the antenna and getting a tv repair man to join the two cables together??

    Is this the way you did the job??


  15. #15

    Re: Navman external Antenna

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry
    Coax! No I wouldn't be pulling the antenna itself apart!

    Regards, Kerry.
    Why is that Kerry??
    If the antenna is of the type that has screws holding the 'dome' on then what's the problem in pulling it apart to shorten the coax.
    The only problem I can see is resealing the 'dome'
    As mentioned the thought of trying to get an appropiate plug would be the hardest thing in the whole job.
    I can understand (and agree with) your statement if the antenna is a sealed unit.
    Cheers Scott

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