Now which unit is the 455khz running from?
Hi all,
here are some screenshots i have lifted from my new Lowrance HDS5 sounder.
Not very familiar with it yet can someone help interpret what i am seeing?
It looks to me like schools of baitfish, with some being attacked by predators, also can i see fish swimming on the bottom.
What sort of bottom does it look like weed,sand,rock...
the light brown shows a hard bottom, thickness of the brown is the key, notice the second image there is not as much light brown as in the first image.
The Green is softer material, maybe some type of thick vegitation. Looks like you had a fish or were trolling with a down rigger in the first two photos.
you can see some fish as indicated by red separated from the bottom.
The last 2 photos look like a hard bottom with with patches of weed, I have seen this in the tweed river where the green is lumps of stone with moss of them, looks very similar, Above the bottom clearly shows a bait school or dense school of fish. looks like a couple might have chased a bait, up towards the surface.
Last edited by Fish Lips; 07-07-2010 at 11:16 PM. Reason: wong numba
Hey guys i've just got a new (old) boat and a new HDS8 with Structure scan for it and im wondering if someone can give me a hand. These are 2 pic i took yesterday while trolling the shipping channel in townsville (got alot of doggies). The first is of what i think is a school of bigger fish sitting just off the bottom? I can work out why they show up on the sonar but not on the down scan ? and the second is of a bait ball with bigger fish below it? am i right in thinking that? and if so how come i can see the bait ball no problems at all in the side scan but none of the bigger fish?
thanks alot.
Fish Lips,
Sorry didnt see your question Yes but I fish deeper water so they tend to come up on more of a direct angle from the bottom. I think there is a photo of my sounder on a 21kg jew I caught earlier this year if you do a search in the saltwater offshore reports.
Yes you are right in both instances, the fish in pic one are larger fish close to the bottom, you got some good arches there as well, the second shows a bait school mid water.
I have used or been on a boat with a down scan, so cant explain why you cant see them, Suggest you send leelee a pm as he has one (i think).
Hey guys,
Attached are a couple pictures I got from at trip out I done on the weekend out to the seahound wreck off Hinchinbrook island I have made a few comments on them as to my interpretation of them would appreciate any comments from any others.. Set up is a HDS7 with structure scan installed, all pictures are of the same pass just using the different views (sonar, structure and side image)
Nathan there are 2 reasons I can see why you can’t see the same image on your downscan and that is Contrast and Palette. I use palette #6 and contrast is set between 67-72% depending on the location.
You think correctly
Nidrac looks good to me. A heap of fish in the area as well.
One thing though is I noticed that half your screen is wasted as your depth is set way over the actual depth you are fishing is. You will find that the info returned to you will be more compressed as the area for display is less. Set the depth manually to the required depth you are fishing in. Apply the same to structure scan and turn of auto depth if you have it set and set it manually.
Thanks Lee,
Yeah one thing i should have pointed out is that these were screen caps taken on my computer playing a recording of the scan... this isn't how i actually view it out on the water, i have the sonar side (whether downscan or sonar) split in half so that i can see the whole water collumn on one side and only the bottom 5-10m on the other side for greater detail...
I thought as much but just wanted to let you know that even on your sounder you would have most likely have wasted space by showing so much of the bottom structure bottom so to speak. I have heaps of sonar logs and when I have the depth set incorrectly (eg to much) it wastes the available space. So if you were fishing 15m of water i would set it to 20m not 30m.
yeah mate i get what you mean.. i normally run mine on bottom lock so i can see 5-10m above the bottom and can just see the whole bottom structure as it is important when finding the deep shoals around here, however i am lucky enough to have a second sounder that i run also so i well and trully get a full picture of what is down there..![]()