All Hail Rick Huckstepp - Sounder Secrets should be mandatory reading for those geeks who write sounder tech manuals. Why Lowrance hasn't incorporated Rick's advice into their manual shows they are missing good opportunity.
Quesiton - Under 'Screen Care' in Rick's book (page 55 in my book) he recommends - 'When you buy your new depth sounder, go to the car window tinting shop & ask them for a clear film to be placed over the screen. etc' I went to Tint-a-Car at Redcliffe with my new Lowrance LMS-525c DF & the very helpful young lad & his equally helpful female assistance did the 'danger danger Will Robertson' on me. They said because it is a LCD screen, then the wet soapy application technique to apply the film might damage the screen, either initially or subsequently. Made sense, so I thought I would ask if anyone has fitted clear film to their sounder screens, & if so what kind of film & how was it applied please?
cheers, Mark
I can only see it being an issue with glass screens, but i thought sounders usually have an acrylic protective screen?? i may be wrong. The issue with glass (because glass is actually a liquid, the slowest moving liquid that exists) is if any water is left under the film after application it will pit the glass over along time (it would take a few years to actually have much affect)
Solution - Take it to a sign shop and get some clear UV laminate applied dry.
I have been told to buy some clear contact. You know the stuff kids use on their school books. And put that over anything you wish to protect, the replace when needed as it gets scuffed up. Works great for mobile phones.
Great thread here are some pics of my sounder as i am still in learning mode any help with what is on the screen would be of great help these pics are when in demo mode cheers
unfortunately i scratched my screen already and am filthy at myself,but it is still readable
Got mine from this guy
Great product! leaves no residue and easy to fit![]()
Retired Honda Master Tech
Mark, Garry, thanks for the feedback. I'm going to order one, in fact two - bound to lose, misplace, forget where I put one, so hence two. Have looked at Screenpatronus web site & just wondering if the screen sits over the sounder screen, or if it adhears to the screen by putting pressure on it? I'll find out when I get mine but interested in the mean time. Also, are they long wearing in normal use conditions, whatever normal is, or do you have to replace them every 6 mths or so?
cheers, Mark
hi mark ,
they are like a heavy duty contact sticker for a want of better wording , they stick onto your existing screen . just be careful to try and get it right first go as it does have some strong adhesive and i would say they are a very long lasting screen protector under normal use .
hi all, thought i would put up a couple of pic's of what we were fishing over today, as the screen shows some good action we found that they were not biting much but took a few qld school mack's as well as a golden trev. i think i have the settings sorted out now.
reels screamin aboard Hyper- Active