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Thread: Just got x136df how are they??

  1. #1

    Just got x136df how are they??

    Just bought a x136 lowrance dual freq. for me new boat. Havn't had much experience with lowrance. Was only looking for an x125 but got this one a good price.
    What the cable connections in the back of the head units like??

  2. #2

    Re: Just got x136df how are they??

    I've got a 136DF. Awsome unit.

    Gold Coast

  3. #3
    i have had one for a year now and it's great . NOT a problem with it. Goes well with the 3500c . Who needs colour? the is just like a tv so clear.
    It's well worth the $$$$$ spent.

  4. #4
    I run a 136 off the bow of my Hornet ..... It crapped itself after 3 weeks (turned itself on , alarms would go on & the screen would flash) ..... The dealer replaced it .... no questions asked It seems like a good unit for the bow mount with the transducer running off the MinnKota (I also run a LMS337 at the helm NAGG

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