I have had similar problems with my g72,
I have been over my electrics, but I think it comes from the pounding one receives on a rough day at sea.
I never usually have probs except for the roughest days, just a thought,
I have had similar problems with my g72,
I have been over my electrics, but I think it comes from the pounding one receives on a rough day at sea.
I never usually have probs except for the roughest days, just a thought,
Thanks for reply rabbit.
What have u done to solve this (if at all)?
What does the pounding do that kills it?
THese units are supposed to be QUALITY marine grade equipment that can withstand the pounding - does it not?
Does anyone live in Melbourne who owns a boat and uses a Garmin GPS unit - on this forum?
If so, I owuld love you to test my GPS 292 Garmin on your boat and confirm that my shut-off issues are confined to the unit only.
Can anyone help me?
P.S. - I have just learnt I am using SW version 2.30 on my GPS. THe latest verison is 2.90. So, obviously, my sw is way out of date.
Q1 - Would this possibly cause unit shutdwon - as discussed?
Q2 - How do I upgrade this SW on my unit (GPS 292)?
thoughts on this sw difference?
THanks CJ.
Where are u located?
SW - press 'Menu' twice and then toggle down to 'System'.
My unit was bought last year in August.
Bought in US - but installed by a specialist in the boating game which I have told him about this but htinks it is the unit - I am nto so sure..
just had a look at my SW and its has 2.4
i will ring up the place i brought it from today and see what the latest version is
as i have no idea on how to update it
maybe if i bring it in they would be kind enough to do it for me
i just spoke to the guys and the latest is 2.9
and he was more than happy to update it for me, cant get any better service than that
Hi Barnacle Billy,
I have my G72 connected to my boats power system via bullet conectors which I joined directly to the power cable ( with a fuse ). So I dont think I have any power loss there.
I have most of my problems in seas of 2mtrs or so, when we get smacked really hard while travelling the unit will often drop out (about 6 times last trip out ), but doesn't seem to happen to much any other time.
Hope it helps,
THis is a problem.
No GPS should be dropping out - irrespective of what seas it is travelling in.
Not good in my opinion.
how did you go with your Garmin?
have had 2 garmin 72's, the second was a replacement for the first that went dead and would not pick up the sattelites.
Both suffered from the same problem of shutting down, however, I had to put the marks into the 2nd unit manually at home and the batteries were still in it when i went out next. Message comes up that power has been lost and it is shutting down in 30 seconds (or similar) So the batteries were keeping it going for the message to come up. The plug stops the batteries from taking over completely (I think).
It appears it is a wiring problem somwhere.
havent fixed mine yet as i keep forgetting to when i get home.
Last edited by yakka; 15-02-2007 at 04:07 PM.