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4 Beacons late next week
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Thread: 4 Beacons late next week

  1. #1

    4 Beacons late next week

    Hi all, plan on getting out there later next week, (new years day or day after), havent ever been out there and just woundering where most leave from, how long does it take to get there is decent weather condtions (if anything over 10-15 i wont be going ) and how much fuel on average a 60hp Mercury (4.5m quintrex runabout) may go through (i have a 40L under floor tank)..
    Would like to meet up with other Ausfish fellas as well so if anyone else is planning a trip let me know as will be exploring totally new waters here..


  2. #2

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    Smelly when I go to the beacons I leave from Manly only because it is close to home about 40ks each way. A ramp from the Brisbane river will be closer or even from Redcliffe.
    40ltrs in your boat will only just be enough and I would take some spare just in case and not push it to hard.
    I may be in the area so call on channel 94, I beleive this to be the channel most ausfishers are on.
    The report is looking OK at this stage so is sure to turn to sheet by then but heres hoping.
    Cheers Kev.

  3. #3

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    Smelly, a trip out there would normally mean chasing some fish around to give the best results, you can anchor and use less put 80 litres on board and especially through summer with storms and SE common you might need every bit! I prefer Manly as well, that route passes some productive waters east of the islands on the way.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    Hi Just back from the pimpama and shes fairly howling down there.
    But should be out at the four's myself on either thur or fri depends if this bloody wind abates. as you dont want tobe chasing mackeral in wind greater then 15kts. just makes it too sloppy.
    Let you know later in week what day.

  5. #5

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    If that forecast is going to be 10 to 15 on New Years day i to will be leaving from fishermans Island to head across to the 4 beacons......fingers crossed.
    Its not far from the beacons to Tangalooma so take plenty of fuel with you.
    Cheers Brent.

  6. #6

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    Holly sheet Rob 80ltrs will leave no room for fish.
    I rekon take 60ltr and when you have to put in the extra its time to pull up or head for home.
    I only ever chewed 60ltr at the most on the north bay in the haines with a 75hp.
    But I always rekon if fuel is a question go for the four stroke for sure.
    But I can't understand why that Quinny only has a 40ltr under the floor tank???
    Cheers Kev.

  7. #7

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    Kev, I reckon 80 is a good safety margin, your old haines had a good rough water hull compared to a quinnie, consider that a southerly at 30 knots or something out of the west comes up you might not get the quinnie on the plane, 3 hours of sitting in the hole would use some juice!

  8. #8

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    Jesus Rob you will have every Quinny owner jumping all over you saying there is a better hull around. LOL
    Cheers Kev.

  9. #9

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    Thanks for the advice fellas, i'll be filling the under floor tank up and two 20l Jerry Cans, just in case. That is if the winds do die off as supposed to. Will wait and see, i might have to change plans and fish else where .... just am itching for a fish


  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    the report for new years day is looking good good chance Cloud 9 will be out
    in the process of making the famous MackMauler slugs i have 20 in the manufacture stage, hope to finish today.

    Cheer Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  11. #11

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    I keep hearing about these mackmauler slugs, how do i go about knowing how to make a few myself to test them out ? Do i have to give MackMauler 10% of catch


  12. #12

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    lol, yeah rob doesnt catch many fish so 10% would be good hahah who am i kidding he could catch fish in a bath tub.... maybe he has already tried

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    with reguards to fuel last trip around the bay i used 45 litres for approx 100km round trip. that was with scabourgha as the starting point.
    then it realy gets ughly

  14. #14

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    I'm sure rob would be satisffied with 10%.

    and the rest of his casual deckies

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: 4 Beacons late next week

    You only need small profile slugs 4-6cm silver, white or white & green with a dash of red.
    In my last 3 trips even 2-3kg spotties, were hammering small slugs.
    yes the bigger slug will catch the odd one, but the bait fish at the moment there schooling, are only around the 4-5cm mark.
    Some of the ones we caugh even reguirated these small baits once they hit the deck.

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