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Thread: Noosa

  1. #1


    Hi Guys

    I am heading up to Noosa for a few days holiday next week and am hoping to get offshore in the weather gods are kind.

    I haven't done much offshore at Noosa and I was hoping that someone might be good enough to PM me a few marks. I don't expect anyone will send me their top secret spots but just marks that put me in the right location to start sounding around and finding fish would be great.

    I will gladly swap marks from out the front of South passage if anyone is interested.



  2. #2

    Re: Noosa

    smerl the pm is on its way
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Noosa

    Thanks Phil, just sent you one back.



  4. #4

    Re: Noosa

    Hey mate, for the past 3 months there has prob only been a few decent days without the 15-20knot+ northerlies or southerlies blowing, the wind just wont ease up

  5. #5

    Re: Noosa

    That gps you got should show you a few areas.
    good luck.
    sunshine and misery are a cuople of reefs that spring to mind.

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