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Thread: Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????

  1. #1

    Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????

    Just wondering if anyone is going fishing after the 20th november around Noosa or the Sunshine coast.

    I'm coming down next friday (19th november) and wanted to do a bit of fishing. fly, beach or boat, just lemme know so i can bring down the right equiptment.

    or any other information you guys/gals would like to share


  2. #2

    Re: Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????

    Everyone will be going jason if the bloody wind stops blowing [smiley=wut.gif] [smiley=wut.gif] [smiley=hammer.gif] [smiley=hammer.gif]

  3. #3

    Re: Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????

    anyone have a spare spot in their boat, or going fishing up a creek and would like to invite me along?

  4. #4

    Re: Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????


    Like Foxy said,,, we all want to get out, but the wind has blown for ages down here and coincided with the weekends.

    I have plans already to take the 7yo son out with a friend that has a simmilar age boy,, but if that changes and I head up to Moololaba then I would be happy to slot an extra in.

    Just so hard for any of us to plan around the wind.

    So far I have fished with about 6 or 7 ausfishers and had a great time every time. Anyone that has a slot, it is USUALLY (this is a disclaimer) all good.


  5. #5

    Re: Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????

    Hey foxy are you going to try and go Monday??????
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  6. #6

    Re: Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????

    If you are dave .....

    I am able to be sick

  7. #7

    Re: Noosa / Sunshine coast - Offers????

    Thinking about a late Sun leave from Mooloolaba, where is the better places to go at this time of year,
    ie: caloundra in close or wide or barwon banks if weather holds up

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