At the moment thinking about going to the Banks again on sunday morning. I might be going in the boat that i'm looking at buying (Sportsfish 6.4). Leaving M/Bar at 4am. VHF 21
At the moment thinking about going to the Banks again on sunday morning. I might be going in the boat that i'm looking at buying (Sportsfish 6.4). Leaving M/Bar at 4am. VHF 21
do you have any gps point for the northern banks, i'm not asking for the x stops just like a random gps point of the northern bank just so i know where to go?
i might be going out to, actually the weather always turns to crap when ever i say i will go so i guess i won't
be at the ramp at 4am and follow the lights.
i'll see if I can get you a starter point.
i have sent you a pm @the cost of a big parrot
Wayne i have sent him one
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
chemmy, you havnt given up on murphies have ya oh well more for me
WayneOriginally Posted by Streaker
weather will be good for testing that boat good
Might see you there Wayne
hey streaker and spiro if it's not a secrt do you burley or just bottom bash when you are on the reef and do you anchor or drift?
Rob i wan't some big perlies because we are running out of fish.
Chemmy aka michael
Hey guys, I might be heading out to the banks Sunday too, but probably southern end. I'll switch to VHF CH21.
Chemmy, if the weather is less than 10 knots on the BOM observations in the northern Bay and sunny coast when you wake up, then I reckon you should DEFINITELY go. My boat is only a 4.7m side console (fully open boat) and if it's less than 10 knots on the observations at 1:00 or 2:00 am and the forecast is to remain good, then away we go... You can't miss out there...
will do thanks maccamania
I hope your weather is looking better than ours. Looks like we're in for 25-30's for the weekend. Been that all week, so I guess it's in with the little one and up the river for a shot at some Salmon and Grunter.
Good luck on sunday Streaker - babysitting duties for me this w/e (just when the weather looks like turning good). Leave some snapper for us please after your last effort.
Hey Wayne leave some for me to.My freezer is nearly empty of snapper fillets.
Chemmy no burley{can if you want} bottom bash aswell as a floater out the back. On your floater you need to get the weight right, start off with a 3 ball if your anchored and heavery if driftting.
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
thanks i will try that