Thinkin of going to Mud on Sunday But I dont know what the weather is doin at the moment .If its a liitle windy I think then i will settle for a wet line at the pin.Is anyone else going.
Thinkin of going to Mud on Sunday But I dont know what the weather is doin at the moment .If its a liitle windy I think then i will settle for a wet line at the pin.Is anyone else going.
Going to the Pin on Saturday weather looking pretty good10 to 15 N/W.
Trying for flattys and maybe jew on the old SP'S. worth taking the crab pots to ...
Hi stu68,
Should be good for the crabs (blue swimmers) with all this freshwater around .I just checked the weather and its looking good sat and sun 10-15 knots.Good luck mate.
Won't be anything left at Mud on Sunday, I am going Sat!
You left nothin for me a the pin .I went down early sunday morn and only got a couple of bites.Where have all the fish gone.I tried a few different spots and got nothing.Did anyone experience the same.
went to the pin on saturday, didnt see anyone pull up anything
gotta know the spots around there G Hopefully out this week end will give you a bellOriginally Posted by Gbanger
Mikos, I was having a little joke with you Frday night as I was planning to go to Mud on Saturday.....
Have a look at my report "Tupperware party at Mud - New PB" in the fishing report section. Mud is a clear winner for me!!
might be doing an overnighter on friday... depends on the weather...
Gbanger,Where abouts are you anchoring up Friday Night if you go.
might go to mud sat morn
throw a few pots out and
try catch a few fish
cheers pete
I think MUDs the go for the weekend