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Thread: nerang river

  1. #1

    nerang river

    heard the end of a report on news tonight about nerang river closed because of sewage leakage. was thinking of going there tomorrow. does anyone know anything. can i fish there

  2. #2

    Re: nerang river

    nothing on the notice to mariners board

  3. #3

    Re: nerang river

    Cant see the report on the mariners board link, but i also heard it on the radio. river closed to fishing for 3 or 4 days around chevron Is to Sorrento.

  4. #4

    Re: nerang river

    Geday seahorse ,
    In between Dozzing off this morning while listening to Nugget on 4BC.
    He did mention that the Nerang River was closed to fishing for a few days .
    Apparently while doing some road works they dug up a Main sewage Line causing heaps of Effluent to run in to the River .

    Searaider 2

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