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Thread: going to the pin Friday

  1. #1

    going to the pin Friday

    Sneeking out real early Friday to have a fish.

    I'm supposed to be staying home all Easter but stuff it. Sneeking out before anybody wakes up. I'll just have to cop it sweet when I get home.
    (I'll leave a note though

    Hopefully I'll have some fish for tea tonight. It is Good Friday afterall.
    I just hope they don't wake anybody up when I take the boat out from under the house or I'm dead and Kev will be able to use me in his crab pots.

    If nobody hears from me again, thanks for the memories.

    P.S. The cook will only kill me because I didn't take her. She has to take her daughter to work everyday over Easter. A 1/2 drive each way and she only works for 2 hrs. >

  2. #2

    Re: going to the pin Friday

    Good luck mate .

    Poor cook got the blunt end of the stick.

    Have fun.

  3. #3

    Re: going to the pin Friday

    I'm back (read reports) and I'm still alive

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