Seabreeze looking good..crew organised...bait to get......tank full of full of cigars...mission from God
Let's HIT IT!!!
who else is going?
Seabreeze looking good..crew organised...bait to get......tank full of full of cigars...mission from God
Let's HIT IT!!!
who else is going?
Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved, Gabriel Marcel
sounds like you got it covered Rhys![]()
hope ya do well
i'll be looking for your report sat night
... i only work to support my fishing addiction.....
Gee Its tempting!
Maybe if I can get Pegasus to hold my hand![]()
I may see you guys out there....... will be watching the reports closely and see what happens!
Its a long way for a big white garbage bin to go but I am game if the winds are away![]()
See you out there boys , at this stage leaving Friday morning , coming back Saturday morn.
We're Heading out Friday 2am comming back lunchtime Saturday. Hope we both do well
Cigars?? Damm! I'm coming next time![]()
hi boys
weather looking kind early easter
might have to have another look
at what was busting us off last time
100lb leader line that should fixem
cheers pete
We'll be looking at going early friday Morning at this stage, although a afternoon trip may be on the cards as well. See how the weather turns out.
I'll be making my maiden voyage to the banks on Friday morning.
Hopefully she'll be kind to me
i may be out tomorra night sean,
will give you a holla if so.
Sean dont forget to turn the radio![]()
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
If all goes well hope to leave friday lunch and return sat lunch.
Hope to catch up with a few out there.
Easter Bunny came today, a new Okuma epix EB80.
Must give it a run or two or three, hopefully
Will be leaving Mooloolaba Friday lunchtime for nth B-Banks for an o-nighter.
Good luck everyone. I'm having a weekend off fishingAnyway its easter so i'll be busy at church on alter boy duties lol ...... not likely