Lookin for a good spot to go fishing to escpae the wind.
Lookin for a good spot to go fishing to escpae the wind.
Where are you? Shore based?
If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.
(Bette Reeves)
Cressbrook? Wivenhoe?
Seabreeze says it's gona be messy out there today, 4-5m and 20-25 knots.
Hey , this is that weather site i told ya about at work
... i only work to support my fishing addiction.....
Sorry mate that was the first thing that shot to my mind
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
I went out for a bit of a play this arvo. Up to Spinnaker to poke my nose out under Bribie. Turned around and fished Donnybrook. Real nice up there a bit further. Sheltered, drowned some worms and got some reasonable whiting. Hope you got out for a fish.