Friday arvo / evening
might see ya in there greg
... i only work to support my fishing addiction.....
tomorrow greg
here's the link----
... i only work to support my fishing addiction.....
Hey Guys,
I'll be going tomorrow to get the business out of the way. Probs around the Polycraft boats for a lot of the time.
If you see a youngish guy in a red Seaswirl Cap with a skinny wallet, that will be me. Say Hi.
I'll also be there Thursday along with Chimo (Peter) for a bit of tyre kicking. Time to sit in on some of the seminars and check out what's new. Few years since i've had the chance!
Feel free to say hi.
Hey Guys,
I'll be going tomorrow to get the business out of the way. Probs around the Polycraft boats for a lot of the time.
If you see a youngish guy in a red Seaswirl Cap with a skinny wallet, that will be me. Say Hi.
I'll also be there Thursday along with Chimo (Peter) for a bit of tyre kicking. Time to sit in on some of the seminars and check out what's new. Few years since i've had the chance!
Feel free to say hi. Maybe we could all meet at the cafe near Riv at say 1pm for Lunch?
Yeah Jason..have a look for me near a bar around dinner time..7 course meal..pie and a 6 pack.
Meet & Greet post already going at -
Have just spliced the two messages together, hope it works.
Crestcutter and I will be there Thursday. Will definately be stopping in to see and listening to the boys Mono and Nugget.
I still gotta get me stickers from Mono
It's FULLY SIC man
I'l be the one heckling Mono.
Heading in Friday morning, taking the missus and the two boys (1 & 3) Should be interesting Looking at newer bigger Signatures and trying to drag the wife away from the Whittleys will be the main aim for me this year. Eldest fella hasnt stopped talking about it, this will actually be his 4th boat show Gotta start em young hey If you see a guy with a number 2 haircut & goatee trying to drag his wife off the Whittley stand that will be me - come give us a hand Or if you see the same guy trying to detatch a three year old boy from any given outboard (he loves them...hugs them he does ) that will also be me, so say G'day. Hope everyone has a good time.
Cheers and Beers
"Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies
Think I'll make the trip tomorrow (Thursday)
VB Racing cap with scales on it issa mee hok ay
In the fishing Expo 12:30 and 15:30
I been today .Beatin eveyone to the goodies Saw nuggets presentation which was fantastic,and looks like i picked up a boat along the way as well.
At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
his story ready to tell,
St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'
G/ day all ill be there friday arvo/evening look for the red and black ausfish cap .
Gees i dont know all you guys with hats on, it's indoors and it's rude to wear a hat!!!
Thursday arvo and nite. i'll be the one trying to get my mate to up grade his bruise craft to a kevlacat No hat though!!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!