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Fishing around peel ???
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Thread: Fishing around peel ???

  1. #1

    Fishing around peel ???

    Going out to peel friday night from raby bay . Can any one tell me where to get hardy heads from up that way??? Thanks


  2. #2

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    I haven't been there myself but i'd imagine at the public pontoon at raby, around the marina there or along the rock walls at the entrance.

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  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Hey Mark, I usually see them right where you launch the boat at Raby Bay. Other than that any well lit area... as Blackenend said public pontoon - thats down near the train station. If that fails - then burley up inside lazarets gutter I always see them there too.

    Good Luck,


  4. #4

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Thanks Dave , but i stuffed a net near that pontoon !


  5. #5

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Cheers Adam & good luck on saturday mate ! spose you'll be posting in offshore from then on ????


  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Pitsta
    Cheers Adam & good luck on saturday mate ! spose you'll be posting in offshore from then on ????

    LMAO!! Yeah good one Mark! Offshore until he realises that 5 mins from the ramp at Wello is a better option (& much cheaper)....

    Take Care T
    home is where the loan is...
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  7. #7

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    There's no parking problem offshore as apposed to Wello. Give me the deep blue anyday..

  8. #8

    Re: Fishing around peel ???


    Isnt Lazaretts inside the closed area?


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Crestcutter
    There's no parking problem offshore as apposed to Wello. Give me the deep blue anyday..
    True CRESTY! Very true!

    I guess it's because i haven't the means for offshore that i defend my patch of turf but i'm sure once i acquire the means, ......
    home is where the loan is...
    Helping people get the RIGHT Home Loan

  10. #10

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Mate you only have to ask and you could be along side Adam throwing your guts up

    Plenty of us head out reguarly and wont mind you or anyone else for that matter coming along. But be warned, it's hard to go back once you have started.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member T1's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Crestcutter
    Mate you only have to ask and you could be along side Adam throwing your guts up

    Plenty of us head out reguarly and wont mind you or anyone else for that matter coming along. But be warned, it's hard to go back once you have started.
    CRESTY, you're on mate! Just give me 2 weeks and i'll be hounding... And unlike ADAMY, i am known for my 'iron' guts - the only hanging over the side is to drag the stonkers into the boat!!

    Take Care T
    home is where the loan is...
    Helping people get the RIGHT Home Loan

  12. #12

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Hey T , i've always got room onboard & Could really use some one with experience, I'm building to an offshore trip soon !!!!!


  13. #13

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Likewise here Pitsta.................maybe we can follow each other outside, or get a convoy going.....

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Adamy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    Damn... I'm always too late to join in the fun

    Mark... yes feeling the yearning to get outside and tangle with something a bit heavier... maybe get some deepsea catfish?? But rest assured... the cost of petrol is a primary concern and may limit my fishing to those corners of the bay I can reach.

    T: And the bit about me throwing my guts up?? who told you?? I'm fine with anything under .5 metre - otherwise its kwell time so yeh want to conquer that fear - so what better way then filling the boat with fuel and driving till you can barely see land and throwing your guts up a few times

    BUT!! Doesnt look like Saturday will happen (BUGGER!!) may take the kids down the spit beach instead - my oldest girl wants me to teach her how to pull worms....

    Mike... Lazarets: as long as you stay above 2metres deep (at low tide) then you're fine - I think most of the guts of lazarets are fine for that also I could be wrong but from the maps I have consulted - you can fish inside the gutter itself (just as long as the depth is over 2m at low tide). I usually drift in the channel from green marker to Red (Dependant on tidal flow) if the rest of peel isn't fishing well I can usually pull a few keepers from here - just watch your depth. (but shhh dont tell anyone )

  15. #15
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Fishing around peel ???

    If you want hardyheads go to the weed beds at the entrance to dialba passage in rainbow, alwys plenty there.

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