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Thread: inskip point

  1. #1

    inskip point

    going up to inskip in a couple of weeks camping and boating anyone got any good spots to try

  2. #2

    Re: inskip point

    big micks beacon usually holds mackeral....

  3. #3

    Re: inskip point


    Just got back from a week at Tin Can.

    We got some nice squire and sweetlip off Teebah Ledge on whole squid.

    As per the previous post, there were mackeral at Big Mick, and plenty of yakkas.

    The yakkas were used to get some decent cod. There were a couple of buggers we couldnt lift of the bottom. Dont know the name of the place where the cod were..But...
    If you can get a chart of the area that shows the sea depth. About 2 Ks north of Big Mick there is a pinnicle that stands out like dogs balls on the chart. Thats where the cod were.

    Have fun.
    My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.

    Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.

  4. #4

    Re: inskip point

    Thanks for the info ....where can I get some decent maps from in bris?

  5. #5

    Re: inskip point

    Im pretty sure Main roads have got them. Where you do lisencing and rego.

    Depends on where you are.

    There is one down at Cleveland.
    My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.

    Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.

  6. #6

    Re: inskip point

    A good bait and tackle shop usually sells charts, maybe a BCF will have them, i know all whitworths sell charts

  7. #7

    Re: inskip point

    its called bluff reef

  8. #8

    Re: inskip point

    its called bluff reef

  9. #9

    Re: inskip point

    its called bluff reef the

  10. #10

    Re: inskip point

    its called bluff reef the tackle shops
    at rainbow will have maps

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