was going for run out to bris river mouth and over to mud if anyone is interested in coming. leaving whyte isl about 5 back at around 2. give me a call 0407043105
was going for run out to bris river mouth and over to mud if anyone is interested in coming. leaving whyte isl about 5 back at around 2. give me a call 0407043105
That's a damn nice offer Greg.
Good on ya.
thanks rob
just bit nicer having someone to chat 2. Iam on hols and other half has to work. Will also be going out thurs and friday if anyone interested.
only cost is bring ur own bait. Dont know where, just depends on weather
Very kind of you to offer Greg. Unfortunately, I have to work. Also, my wife's expecting our first baby so I'd like to stay close to home in case she needs me.
Anyway, I read your post and thought that's a bloody fantastic thing to offer fellow fisho's. Hopefully I'll get to take you up on the offer sometime in the future. Though, I think the minimum is to share the fuel cost as well as bait.
Cheers, Brad.
no worries brad. good luck with the new bubs. hope it all goes well
Would love to.
But this mowerman still has work to do.
If we dont get any decent rain in the next 3 months then this mowerman will be going fishing with anyone,everyday.
A lot of fun but not good for the bank balance.
My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.
Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.
hey mowerman
know that feeling. Did it for 15years. But never had it this bad. Glad iam out of it now
well, it looks like iam going alone. more fish 4 me.![]()
Hi Greg,
I almost called you but I didn't want to be too pushy, I promised a mate that I would go fishing land based with him tomorrow but if you have a stop for two deckies we would love to have the opertunity to do some boat fishing. We wouldnt let you pay for all the fuel to take us out and we'll give you and hand cleaning the boat unless you prefer to do it yourself.
I feel bad asking so much, but I figured there is no harm in asking...
No worries if you prefer less bodies on the boat.
sorry rob.
didnt see this till just now. U should have just given me a call. Maybe another time.
Sorry Greg, I thought you were looking for someone for tomorrow (Thursday) as well...
Hope you had luck today
sorry rob
i was and got someone, but misunderstood what u said. my apologies.