haahahhhaa , he is a real cheeky bugga that brian.........
but pete, i tried to warn you that it was a very dangerous
playing field. had to watch out for the mooks crash tackles
as you pulled a worm![]()
haahahhhaa , he is a real cheeky bugga that brian.........
but pete, i tried to warn you that it was a very dangerous
playing field. had to watch out for the mooks crash tackles
as you pulled a worm![]()
Come on guys.............. regardless of everyones best efforts I think there was one clear winner.
He is the one that got to walk off with all the worms.............. and Mark's bucket.
- Darren
P.S. Brian, I agree a year is too far out. I say we try to get out locally again well before that. Maybe out north of the bay and meet up with the others???
Ok Ok lets tell the story shall we??
we all went worming......
we pulled some great worms....
we walked back to the carpark.....
'well, what are we gunna do with the worms?'![]()
i dunno
so i took the worms seeing as no-one else was going to, unfortunately the bucket was bycatch
Hey Mooks, did i return it?? i tink i might have forgetten to[smiley=oops.gif]
i tink i might owe u a bucket [smiley=hammer.gif]
PS refer to te picture entitled 'bone' above ....... Thats what u get for giving up a bucketfull of prime beach worms![]()
come on micheal, if that poor old bone fish ate a bucket of prime worms it would be twice as big
sorry blaze, the bigger 1 got away...
it kept just picking at the worms, coudnt get a hook-up tho(insert many small tahwhine instead of the bigger 1 >
Dates ( and other things ) gettin sorted for next years effort as we speak. Trying to get info from DPI&F on closure dates.
I am still here and the weather has only really been ok in short bursts.
If anyone has any suggestions for " weigh-ins' , events or distractions for next year, put them up or pm me. No Mark, jelly wrestling is not to be considered
ON a side note, the baitfish have returned to the Inlet in numbers.![]()
Cheers Phill
ps, I will provide a ( non-dummy spit ) report soon.![]()
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
Is this it?
Coral reef fin fish
Three, nine-day periods have been implemented as closed seasons to the taking of all coral reef fish in October, November and December each year around the new moon phases. The closures apply to all Queensland east coast waters between latitude 10°41' S and 24°50' S. The closures are designed to protect spawning aggregations of most coral reef fish species.
The closures for 2006 will be:
16 October 2006 to 24 October 2006 (inclusive)
14 November 2006 to 22 November 2006 (inclusive)
14 December 2006 to 22 December 2006 (inclusive).
The closures for 2007 will be:
5 October 2007 to 13 October 2007 (inclusive)
3 November 2007 to 11 November 2007 (inclusive)
3 December 2007 to 11 December 2007 (inclusive).
Came from the DPI website here:
Queensland State School Holidays for that period: 22 Sep - 7 Oct
Got that here: http://education.qld.gov.au/public_m.../holidays.html
- Darren
Geday Mr_Bean, Lucky _Phil ,
I can't believe it , the DPI have actually updated their Web Site in advance .
Earlier this year , when I tried to check this years ( 2006 )closures , they were still showing the 2005 ones . >
A bit more info .
The closures for 2007 will be:
FRIDAY - 5 October 2007 to SATURDAY - 13 October 2007 (inclusive)
SATURDAY - 3 November 2007 to SUNDAY - 11 November 2007 (inclusive)
MONDAY - 3 December 2007 to TUESDAY - 11 December 2007 (inclusive).
New Moon is in the closure Thursday 11th of October .
Full Moon is Friday 26th of October .
Phil ,
Did the PBA boys give any indication on what dates they were heading up next year ???
As per your previous post ,
If anyone has any suggestions for " weigh-ins' , events or distractions for next year, put them up or pm me.
I think that it is a Top idea . [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
That way everone will know whats pre-planned , and what options are available if the weather turns to sh#t .
It I can think of anything that could help , I'll send you a PM with some suggestions .
Searaider 2
i will check with the commodore with dates
what is the proposed dates ..
NO school holidays and NO closure dates .....is what the pba go by .??
weigh- ins
a set of scales hanging at ?????? with pen and paper
weigh in by two members [pba] maybe the same with ausfishers
their is a set of scales hanging[tripod] at the blue house[maybe at kitty cat's house] during the comp for the pba & ausfish. very central to all
prizes for mystery weigh in . biggest and ????? phill there is so much we could do maybe give me a ring... i shall put up another $100 for the ..
"whats the time"
another idea....
last year i hear a few comments about no one knew what was going on and WHERE..
can i suggest a "FLYER" made up with dates -times -places to what is happening.......
for example ..i know a few pba members would enjoy grab-ing some extra cash from ausfishers at "CARDS"....
PBA have one set bbq on the saturday nite for the start of the comp..
"whats the time"
"crown & anchor"
table .............
pba can run it one nite and ????? the next ....
maybe a nite at "DARTS"..............
"whats the time"
Thanks Darren, Pete and Pirate Pete. All good info. Yes the DPI&F must have taken on board the comments we made earlier this year about getting their butts in gear and posting closure dates asap.
The M & G will be the same as PBA, no closure and no school hols. I would really like those who have kids and would like to attend, to maybe join us for at least the end of the school hols say for a day or two ?? When we know dates, we'll let you know.
A flyer sounds OK Pete. The weigh-in situation could be similar as your suggestion and maybe have a couple of weigh-in stations, with book, scales and base it on an Honesty system. I don't have a problem with that.
I quite like the idea of a lure casting comp / distraction !
Keep the ideas coming.
Cheers Phill
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here
OR "thong" party .........![]()
"whats the time"
Good suggestion on the flyer,I will put my hand up to have that organised (Dont start Phill)when all information (Times,dates,events are in).
Maybe AVIS can supply the sound system!!!![]()