Hope you guys have a good trip. Make sure you post reports when you get back.
Pity I jumped on so late. Would have loved to go. The one I went to through Ausfish a few years ago at Cardwell was fantastic. Met a heap of good mates and we all had a great time. Should fish alright too even considering the moon phase.
Have agood trip fellas!!
Well this is the last time I will post prior to the report from the trip. We are headed up to Cardwell 2morrow morning. I hope the winds die down a bi doesnt look to good.
I am looking forward to meeting all those that are intending on coming up or down what ever the case might be.
Hopefully will be able to post some pics of the fish that we catch if we get a chance to do some fshing.
Ok that is all for now hope to see a few of you felow ausfishers in Carwell.
All the best for Easter, Rod......
how did you guys go?
any pics
The weather was crap but we slogged out around Gould and Garden islands but the wind kept changing direction making it hard to find a good spot.I managed to get a remora (sucker fish) which rolled up the line and sprayed blood from one end of the boat to the other before I finaly cut it off.After that it just got windier and rougher so we headed back in.I'll let Rod Fishing tell his side of the trip bye for now.
My wife, son and I arrived in windy Cardwell on Thursday morning, checked into the Kookaburra Holiday Park. At about 1:00pm my wife asked me if I had seen the house keys so she could lock up her push bike, I said no. We had a good search around and couldn't find the keys anywhere. Kylie, my wife, thought that she had left the keys in the front door. So back to Townsville she drove and found the keys, not in the front door but on the pool table. She got back at about 5:30pm that afternoon.
We went out for a fish around Garden Island but we didnt catch anything. Very windy and my son Ryan, who is 3 had, had enough, it was time to come back, after about 3 hours on the water.
On Friday afternoon got a phone call from Major D and we met and had a few beers. It was nice to meet his lovely family, they were really friendly. Major D also had a couple of mate come up from Brisbane, Dan and Ted. We made plans to meet at the park opposite the Caltex at about 8:00am the next morning for a fish. After the morning boat trip Kylie said that she would sit out the fishing for the next day.
We all met at about 8:00am at the park and the markets were on. Major D's wife, Holli, did a bit of shopping with his daughters and then we were off, Dan and Ted came with me, as Major D said it was windy and rough. We headed around the northern end of Gould and fished a drop off, Dan was the only one to boat anything and that was a small reef shark about 2 foot. headed back in as it got very windy and wasn't worth staying out.
Unfortunatly I didn't get to catch up with Major D and his family before they left on Sunday.
My sister and brother in law came down from Cairns on Sunday afternoon. It was good to catch up with them.
Troy, my brother in law, and I went out for a fish on Monday morning with the wind still blowing a gale. We went down the channel to the bluff hole and fished there for about 3 hours got a couple of good sized cod 47cm and 44cm. Tasted pretty good as well.
In all it was a pretty good trip except for the weather. It was good to meet up with Major D and his family. I hope that there can be another M & G soon that more people can attend.
Last edited by Rod Fishing; 12-04-2007 at 06:17 PM.
Shame about the weather guys.
10 outta 10 for being so keen,though.
I didnt even look at the boat as there didnt even appear to be a glimmer of hope of a decent day over easter.
cheers scott