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Thread: Tassie Bluefin

  1. #286
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    gday brian

    great to see ya getting amongst them mate but i havent seen crays rock up at my door yet lmao

    i am looking forward to this weekend heading out on a charter once again...hoping to catch a snapper but the way the weather is in south oz it could be cancelled again

    anyway rob sounds like ya got ya work cut out over the next week to get the boat finished... be great to see a pic of it once finished rob

    anyway guys i have run out things to say so i will catchya's later


  2. #287
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    gday rob...mate i dont envy you i havent had much to do with fibre glass,except when i split the floor in a 16ft pride i used to have..i ended up fixing it my self but it wasent pretty...what a mess.....

    gday joe...million aire...i wish...i suppose i am pretty lucky though..although i do live down here in tas and we are lucky enough to have such a great coast line and variety of good fish...

    gday mick....mate whats wrong with ya,,the weather couldent be better down here in tas...and hopefully it will only get better...i dont know whats happening over there but as long as it stays over there i cant see the problem. seriosly mate hope your charter gets of the ground....mate i paid my club membership the other hopefully i will get a bit of a tip off when the tuna are on the way and get you organised to come over here and have a go at them...

    well all..... time for bed...cheers for now.......brian

  3. #288

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    Hi Mick, brian, joe
    to weary to do much to the tri tonight, worked 10 hours, good money but not where i should be, I prefer to work only about 30 hours week.
    About those reds mick, i am closer and have'nt got one either, suppose i will have to put my own pot in (soooon).
    I think the weather is about to cut loose again as the boats nearly ready.
    still no reports of snapper up this way brian, mick is it possible that they do migrate and they really decided not to come, or possible maybe later due to water temp or somethink. All seems a little strange to me as there were definately some caught earier(nice size to)
    Just a dumb thougtht, has any heard of dolphins or seals being accidently caught while trolling live baits, just had this discussion with a mate and wonder
    anyway still weary, computer to fix and then bed

  4. #289
    Ausfish Addict
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    G'day guys blaze
    I think the weather is about to cut loose again as the boats nearly ready
    dont you just hate that, everytime the boat is off the water for maintenance the weather fines up and vice versa.

    hey brian think about it, not everyone can sit down and be over fed on cray, lol. Was actually talking to a person last night, and she said at one stage last year they actually got sick of eating mud crab, as they were catching their limit every day just about, can you imagine it.

    Good luck on the charter mick, at times i think it would be cheaper to charter then actually own a boat, i'm up for a new ignition switch $57 plus my flares are out of date $55 and rego due on the boat $50 my brother was right, a boat is a hole you put into the water and pour money into eh

  5. #290
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    gday brian joe and rob

    Anyway things are looking good for sundays charter the snapper are bitig but they are 50ks offshore so a fair old hike actually its across the gulf...

    joe actually mate i know what ya mean mate i also own a boat... this charter i am going on is a group of us going from the should be a good day a few pics wil be taken and a few luaghs will be had....

    but you are right mate boats do cost money

    brian mate the weather has been good the last time i was out was last saturday week had things planned last weekend but thats life but was good becuase the weather caved in but went to a flare show where they let the public fire flares which was quite good... anyway brian the waether is ok at the moment rather cool but i will take the cool weather why i can...

    Anyway rob snapper i do believe that they do work on water temp i am firm believer of water temp and this will be a determing factor wether fish will be there.... the thing is mate i cant acurately tell you what the ideal water temp would be for snapper which i will find out for you if i possibly can...

    also rob another thing really tasmania is not much different to the climate south oz has in far as water temp goes..

    also rob i have been nasty to you taswegions this year mate i have put a net acroos the gulfs so that i can catch the snapper.....Seriosly thou rob i think there has to bethe factor of the right tide the right bait and winds and the right temp to get the snapper....

    over the next twelve months i am hoping to upgrade my sounder to colour and so it wil be able to give me water depth as well...

    anyway i betta go guys until next time take care


  6. #291
    Ausfish Addict
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    Hi Mick
    best of luck on the charter. sounds great. we had friends that use to run trawlers out of mooloolaba, when the prawns were off we could go out with them for $10 a head an anchor on barwon banks. for the $10 we kept a feed they kept the rest for markets, now thats going back a few years. around 20 + actually. But around 10 of us use to go, not allowed to do it these days. All hand lines 80Lb. Up there now it costs around $80 for a half day and if its blowing more then 15knots the charters arent allowed to work, due to safety reasons. Looking forward to the photos.
    Oh BTW, dont string a net between oz n taz, just cut the rope thats holding them there, then they will float away and the snapper will stay here eh, what you reckon

  7. #292
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    gday jabee

    mate i will take the camera out with me so i can finish a film of and that so i can post some picks of some early snapper and of this trip hopefully

    anyway joe its a good thing thou that the operaters are restricted with safety really becuase who wants to be out in 20 knots+ i know i wouldnt....but 80 bucks for half day isnt all that bad mate depending on what they class as half day 4 hours i spose

    anyway cheers mate

  8. #293
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    gday mick..rob...joe...not to much to report down south at the moment....anyway the outboard went in for its last service before it runs out of warranty...thank christ... they sure do know how to hold there hand out....while im on the subject iv;e got a question for you;s...since new the 30 yam that im talking about has always had a problem with oiling up when it is idling for to long...5 min is what im calling a long time....anyway eastern shore marine have had 3-4 goes at trying to fix wouldent bother me except it takes prolly 100 meters to clear its self..and iv;e never known this from any other outboard iv;e ever had anything to do with...other than that it goes perfect and starts every time and goes like the clappers...last time it was in they even replaced the carb...which inproved it prolly 50%...anyway it is now worse than question is am i being to fussy or should i demand they fix it once and for all.. and what if they cant...what to do.... anyway like i say it is otherwise perfect im just not 100% happy.......any advice appriciated.....well i better go now... friday tommorow .... more diving sat hopefully....cheers.....brian

  9. #294
    Ausfish Addict
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    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    Hi Brian just crusing thru, i would ask to fix it completly, i can idle my 70 evinrude all day without it oiling up. its a 89 model. Although could be something simple as the sparkies, wrong heat range, or you could be running the wrong mix. my engine is one of the first vro s , was told to take the tank off and mix the fuel 50:1. I would contact another dealer and say you are thinking of buying the same model motor 2nd hand and ask about fuel mix, spark plugs etc, hope this helps

  10. #295
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    gday joe...thanks mate...the wife picked it up today and they claim to have found the i will try it out tommorow and far as fuel mixs goes i have been running it at 100:1 since the thing was run in which is what the manafactures recomend...( yamaha oil)....the only thing that they havent tryed at this stage is hotter argument is it shouldent have too....anyway mate i will give them the benifit of doubt till tommorow...and if it is still doing it i will have to go over and rought them up a bit before the 2 year warranty runs out which is in another 2 months....cheers mate will let you know how things went tommorow night........brian.

  11. #296
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    Hi Brian
    Knew someone with a chrysler it was always oiling up until his son a mechanic found he was using 100:1 instead of 50:1, I would contact valvoline and see what they recomend with their products. Hope it all works out well for you.

  12. #297

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    Hi all
    Well after about 90 odd man hours and total cost including trip to melbourne of $1700 (excluding outboards), I finally shot the rig in the water.Water mirror flat to .75m chop where i could find it and the performance was about what was expected. Spent some time altering the trim of the 70 evinrude to raise the bow and that improved the time to get on the plane and the ride. I will also be trying my 17" prop. Picks up onto the plane, fully loaded very quick. No fishing really( tossed a plastic around for about 10 minutes). So I spent about 2 hours ripping around, destressing in the boat (also having a bloody nice drop of wisky at the moment, thats also helping). The enough on boats. You know how they say if you want somethink done, find someone that is busy, Well today at the state AGM for ANSA, I was elected state tagging officer, could be handy when i have some colated figures i can pass onto the boards here.
    ps- this is a lovely drop of wisky

  13. #298
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    Hi Blaze
    rig is looking good, how much whiskey did you say you had, Sounds like you are happy with both, you have done a lot of work in the past week. anyway I have to get ready to head of to work. cheers

  14. #299

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    Hi joe
    yes, had to log on this mornin to make sure i had'nt had that much wisky that i wrote something silly, but i had been working up to 20 hrs a day (work and boat) to bring in money as quick as i was parting with it. so i think i needed a night of unwinding somehow and wisky was cheap, probely enough for the next 12 months

  15. #300
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Tassie Bluefin

    gday brian joe and rob

    Well today was the day of the charter and what a ball we had unfortunately the knuckles never played the game with us so no snapper to write home about....but we got a heap leatherjacket whiting sweep and mackeral and a red mullet anda few flathead....One catch which was an interesting fish wasa blue devil interesting looking fish dont ask me to explain what one looks like thou...

    anyway guys i am thinikng of doing an over nighter next weekend at a ground called the goannas which can often fire up with some big snapper.....

    anyway rob ya boat is coming along well doesnt look like ya have much free board to playwith but still looks the goods mate....

    congrats on the tagging officer role in state ansa over there mate.....Is Nick crawford and beres taylor still on the commitee of Ansa in tassie?

    how did you go brian get many crays this weekend ?

    anyway cheers

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