PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Tassie Bluefin - Page 13
Mate sorry to hear ya didnt get a few bream mate...I know what ya mean mate when there is a bit to much fresh really makes it hard to get a bait to where the salt is specially if there is no weight used on the line..But still mate you had quality time with your son mate.....
Flatties mate they are far and few over here in South Oz mate i have caught a couple over here not bad size either but unfortunately its mainly kg whiting and snapper and crabs here in Adelaide from the boat and landbased is mainly salmon mullet and bream......
Mate i havent been out fishing for well over a week and a bit my last day out was the trip surf fishing mate....
Ihope ya trip went well today and you guys got a few out there.....
Also mate i am going out tommorow myself my fiance chez is coming out so i dont expect it to be a big day out as she may get a little crock if the weather turns foul.....
anyway mate i better go as the lady of the house is demanding the comp and i must go until next time....
gday mick...mate what a day, i am buggered....i am thinking mate this trumpeter fishing is hard work on the hand lines...but anyway mate we did allright we managed 6 all up biggest 8 pound the rest about 6....mate it was a great day weather wise it was just like a day on the derwent down at tasman....mate we also caught a feed of perch and gurnard and mate i recon that we must have released 100 gurnard most of which we pulled from about 100 meters of water...come to think of it that prolly why i am a bit weary....didnt see a seal all day either it was a perfect mate.... any way mate good luck for tommorow mate...i better get some sleep now mate talk to you soon mate.......brian
Mate its good to see ya got onto a few stripies mate i never got out over the weekend as had to take the ladt of the house shopping and today when we woke the weather was blowing a gale mate so i never bothered.....
Mate if i dont get out soon i will go mad mate....
Mate anyway it gives me a chance to save some money for the long weekend in october for my fishing convention....
Anyway mate did something i have never done for at 20 odd years and that was goin to the drive in mate..we saw mr deeds it was funny but i wouldnt say it was the best movie i have seen and we managed to watch the crocodile hunter for nothing mate....
I tell ya what the drive in is fairly cheap mate ya can see 3 movies for 27 bucks mate and that includes as many as people ya can get into the to take the family mate very cheap mate as the pics mate ya looking at 15 bucks each
gday mick...well mate my holiday has come to an end..i start back to work tommorow with a 4 oclock out of bed for a 5 oclock start....anyway mate thats great value at the drivin over there.mate i dont know why they dont start one back up over here....mate me and joanne went to see the crocodile hunter the other day and i dont know what i think about it..i supose it was allright thou....mate a couple of things i ment to tell you last night was we were pretty lucky satarday cause i got a phone call last night from a bloke i know and he asked me how we went with the stripies cause i didnt know at the time but the 2 other boats that were down at tasman with us sat were mates of his and one of them must have known me...cause he rang me up to tell me that neither of the other 2 boats caught any we must be doing something right to get the 6 we caught...still cant find none of them 20kg ones thou mate but i will keep trying...i suppose its just like you trying to find big snapper we just have to keep learning and spending the hours on the water if we want to get one..... another thing that happened was after daniel dropped me of at the ramp to get the car was he went to go out for a blast across the bay and he threw the throttle hard down and spun the bush in the prop so it would only drive in idle....mate im am real glad that it didnt happen down at tasman it could have been a bit interesting....any way better soon get to bed so i will catch ya latter mate....brian
Mate sounds like on Saturday When you guys where out no one was getting them except for you guys mate...Mate must have been the baits you guys where using and the methods that you were using.....or ya just could have been over good drop of or something.....
Mate you guys sound rather lucky really with the boat mate i tell ya whatbreaking down at tasman wouldnr be a good thing good haul back to fortesque mate if ya had to paddle ya way back....But at least you guys are safe...
Mate i bet today was hard for ya back at the grindstone mate but really at least ya had great holiday really with the son and a few trips out fishing mate more then what i have done i was very very dissapointed really becuase the weather here in S.A is pretty bad specially yesterday mate... Apperently over in port lincoln around tumby bay a few boats lost the moorings and big dust storms mate and also down towards victor harbour-Cape jervis way we had our first bush fires for the season the winds where pretty strong mate i thought at one stage that i would have to tie the boat down to solid ground....Also the temps over here in S.A have been around 30 degrees mate for the past 2 day but thank goodness mate its not like it today buddy...not really looking forward to summer mate as we usually get temps around the 40 degree mark for 3-4weeks straight mate working in temps like that is a bloody killer i can tell ya but mate at least the fishing will be good mate as i plan to do a few good trips in the next couple of months....
anyway mate ibetter go and get ready for work mate just got the call for a 2:30 start prolly finish around 7:30-8:30pm tonight....
hey guys where are the photos..can't see me wetting a line for a while getting too far behind in my study..damn..wonder if i can transfer to a degree in fisheries..then maybe i can get some practical experience eh..
gday mick..mate i recon you could be right about our luck on sat i think it was a bit of everything you just mentioned,expecially the bait bit...mate we have found that these stripies like real fresh baits i was running a 5 hook rig on sat and done a bit of experimenting with different baits and found that they always took the gurnard the fresher the better....mate we would have been allright if we broke down at tasman as danial has a auxillary which we have never used as yet but it is real assuring knowing its there if we ever need it.....mate i heard today that over there on the big island somewhere you;s had winds that gusted to 200 kph mate i sure hope it slows down before it gets here...mate i just cant work this weather over here out its crazy cause we had a 28 deg day here yesterday i was in the tank top at 10 oclock...but on the news tonight they have forcast snow down to 700 meters tonight...anyway mate that about it for me tonight got get some sleep even thou it seems like i just got home........brian.
gday jaybee..mate i have got some more photos coming soon i just have to take another 5 more photos to finish the film..hopefully i will be going back down to tasman again sat i will try and finish it then hopefully...cheers mate.........
Mate i always believe in fresh baits i think the fresher the better....but in the end i have to get rid of the pipi's out of my freezer mate its chockas full of pipi's and a few old blocks of pillies in there as well but i will now be using them for berley....
Mate yeah it has been pretty strong here on mainland as i said over towards port lincoln a few boats lost the moorings and that but she has calmed down a bit and i might just duck out for a couple of hours latr in the week if the wind eases right of as this will turn on the kg whiting mate.....
Mate 28 degrees for tassie this time of year mate that would have to be nearly a record temp...but it doesnt surrise me mate that there will be snow on those hills mate.....
Mate its good to hear that there was an aux motor mate how often does Daniel run the Aux as it should be given a run quite regular as ya dont wanna be out there and find that the aux wont start.......
Anyway mate its getting a wee bit late here mate so i better go and i will chat with ya later....
Gday Jaybee
Mate pics of some fish mate i havent been able to get out fishing for over 3 odd weeks in the bath tub my last days outing was about 2 weeks ago mate and got nothing mate...Jaybee mate everytime i plan a trip out in the bath tub its either bucketting down with rain or its dam well blowing its guts out and with the St vincent gulf being as shallow as it is the wind really creates some waves....
Also i very rarely take a camera out with me to take any pics with.....
anyway jabee hopefully this weekend will provide some good fishing for me and if i remember i will take the dam camera with me....
Hi brian, mick, jaybee and every body else
would'nt be nice if all fish photo's were of fish that looked alive instead of meat on a hook (just a thought) weather in circular head blowin & rainin. brian how come you can wet a line mate, to bloody misseable to even wet a line. insanity has taken control
gday mick...mate i was reading up on those KG whiting that you catch over there and mate they sure do make our whiting over here look that what you use the pipi;s for... ???...mate the snow came down abit lower than forcast there was a light covering at work this morning and man was it cold .....there is supposed to be a bit more of the same tonight i think....the auxilary on danials boat is only a couple of year old mate but i must remember to mention to him to give it a run next time we go out which will be on satarday weather permiting... mate we are going back down to tasman to hopefully fish out wide for some big trumpeter as i think the biguns are out on the deeper will be worth a try any way i said to jaybee i only have a few more photos to take to finish the film then mate if they come out allright i will post a few on the site...mate if i get my tuna reel back from its service in time i am going to take it with me sat cause there were bait schools down there last sat and the water has gone from green to blue all of a sudden...mate it may well mean nothing but like they say where there are little fish there are big fish and i sure wouldent like to get caught napping..... any way mate thats it for now look after ya self and i will talk to you latter......brian
gday blaze.. mate i sure do feel sorry for you up that end of the island cause mate thats which way the weather has mainly been coming from...west.... north west...mate thats why we have been fishing out of fortescue alot cause those 100 ft cliffs down that way have been letting us cruze down along the coast without a problem while the wind has been howling every where else in the state...mate the solution to your insanity is simple come down to the proper end of the island... ...any way mate i hope you get out soon and catch some of those snapper that i am so interested mate i have found out that the king fish classic will be held on the 9 of november so hopefully we will get up there and catch up with you for a yak... anyway mate gotta go for now talk to you again soon.........brian
Mate yes we use pipi's over here for our kg whiting mate we actually call them Cockles here.....Mate cockles can be used for many fish here as well but most people use pipis to catch the kg whiting mate... We also use gents mate for catching garfish and tommyruff......Mate most of the tackle shops here sell livebait except for livefish....
Mate i hope this weather eases before the weekend as on Sunday i am going out on a chartertrip out of glenelg Westbeach area even thou this is the area i genrally fish with my boat but i am going with a few people i have met of the net and is more of a learning curve excercise and to see if i can steel some gps marks......
Mate the snapper should be starting to run here in the gulf so hopefully when this wind eases of i will be getting out chasing a few snapper mate before i head over to port hughes...
Mate i better go as i stil have to get ready for work so i will talk to ya later mate.....
gday mick...maggots mate ???you can have that all to ya self i wont be fighting you for any of them when ya come over ...anyway mate daniel come round tonight and we have agreed that we might leave our trip till next weekend mate cause the weather is not to great for the weekend over here...mate i hope you get out on sunday sounds like a great day out...its good that you have arranged a trip just by talking to others on the web..mate thats the only thing about living in tas mate other than you and blaze it seems like most others on this site are from Q.L.D so its abit hard to organise a trip like that..but any way mate i know that you and i will fish together one day soon hopefully, and i plan on tracking blaze down sometime soon hopefully for a chat and a bit of fishing...any way mate i gotta go and make some lunch for tommorow so i will catch ya latter mate............brian
Mate the weather is not looking good here either brian mate the wind picked up fairly strong but hopefully by thie time the weekend gets here it will have settled down a fair bit...
Mate i know this site is run by alot of qld guys and sportsfish australia is practically all NSW and fishnet well they are for the Victorians mate....So its not so common that you find a few tasmanians to hook up with or South Australians mate...I am kind of lucky in a sense as south Australia has 3 sites with forums mate that i frequent mate which isnt to bad and its these sites in which i have met some great guys....
Mate I may need ya to do me a favour there is a guy here in South Australia who has just landed a job in hobart and is quite cluey i believe in fish aquaculture but the favour is if i have a word with this chap would you be prepared to show him some great fishing locations such as trout and whatever mate and if agrees to this i will get him to really help you out on Snapper fishing....Mate i know this is a big ask mate but as i know it has hard to find your way around when ya new to a state and you have to make friends.....Mate i dont want you to feel obligated to do this as i havent mentioned anything to this guy what i have mentioned to you....
Mate maggots seriously mate i felt the same way as you mate leave them to the insane but i tell ya what mate they are dynamite mate for some fish mate specially with garfish mate as if you get up to st helens mate they have garfish up there mate you get a few maggots mate as ya secret weapon mate and give ya mates crappy old bait you will win every single time and i aint kidding ya....MAte maggots are rather clean bait mate mind you i dont put them in my mouth like some people do........But i tell ya what the missus hates it when i say i am going after garfish mate becuase i always bring home the maggots and place in the fridge mate.....
Mate we will get to fish mate i can garantee ya there mate as i made a promise to myself that i will try and get back to tassie every 2 years if possible...mate I might have a bit of a surprise to tell ya i may be making 2 trips to tassie with in the next 12 months and 1 may be in about 2 months time but that ones not certain yet mate...As i think my father is going to be paying for me and my fiance to come over for christmas mate as it will be on his frequent flyer points.....but as i said dont hold ya breath onthat one so who knows we may just have to catch up for a drink and a fish as well mate if i get over there at chrissy...
anyway mate i will talk to ya later as its getting late here