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Thread: Green Island Wreck

  1. #1

    Green Island Wreck

    Caught this big GT when a school of Mack Tuna cruised past the boat. I tossed my Mackeral Rod towards them with a Pilly and this fella rocked up.
    Note the small shark bite on the side reminiscent of a Cookie Cutter Shark. I didn't think they lived in this area.

  2. #2

    Re: Green Island Wreck

    Got Him!!!
    We never weighed it but estimated it to be around 35 kilos.
    What does everyone think.
    I'm about 190 cm tall.

  3. #3

    Re: Green Island Wreck

    The keepers.
    The biggest Trout near my feet would be nearly 4 kilo to put it in perspective. Some nice Gold Spot Trevally, Mangrove Jack and a good Golden Trevally there too.
    We released a stack of Gold Spot Trevally and an anchor after it rubbed off in the wreck
    Showed we were in the right spot though 8)
    Sorry, had to crop the photo to fit it

  4. #4

    Re: Green Island Wreck

    Green island "brisbane"

    I can see you have it tough there daintreeboy, that gt would be around that mark, you did well to hold it up

  5. #5

    Re: Green Island Wreck

    I think that would be Green Island off Cairns.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Green Island Wreck

    bugger wish it was green island moreton bay, you guys have it made, lets hope what has happened down here dont encrouch up there.(foreshore develop etc ) good fishing guys

  7. #7

    Re: Green Island Wreck

    We were trying to get out wider but the weather was a bit ordinary as you can see by the pics so we were quite happy with the catch.

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