Hey, i read somewhere that king george whiting grow to like 72cm.
Has any one got a picture of a real big one?
Cheers NMK [smiley=laola.gif]
Hey, i read somewhere that king george whiting grow to like 72cm.
Has any one got a picture of a real big one?
Cheers NMK [smiley=laola.gif]
bigger and better things around this neck of the woods, inc XXXX 8)
look on google bound to find one there
Click on the link below. There’s a few pics from Eyre Peninsula SA which is probably the home of big KG’s (and other things).
I've heard that some have been caught up to a meter long... mmm.... meter long whiting..... *drools*
here is one from Paul Worstelings www.ifish.com.au site. Caught in sth Aus. There must be something in the water over there.
Laughs that Whitting must have a great dealer!!!!
Originally Posted by mackmauler
this would be an average specimen of the lesser known Black King George to which rob is referring.
They appear slightly darker than the southern species due to the effects of the warm winter sun - remember what warmth is
I believe Brett (bugman) has a pic of a legal one, others may have one or two lying around as well.