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Thread: message box full (PM)

  1. #1

    message box full (PM)

    I keep getting a warning that my PM box is full, it has only 4 messages in it and tells me there is 31, whats the go. this warning pops up all the time.

  2. #2

    Re: message box full (PM)

    I had the same problem when the new 30 message thing came in. Deleted all my messages and still recieved that notice every time I logged on. Went away after about a week though.


  3. #3

    Re: message box full (PM)

    Try logging out and then log back in

  4. #4

    Re: message box full (PM)

    Have a look in your outbox, see pic below of how where to click on to get to it, it is currently full.

    You need to delete some of the sent PM's from there.

    With the update there is now limits to the amount of PM's you can have in your Inbox, Outbox and Stored.

  5. #5

    Re: message box full (PM)

    thanks steve, didnt even know it kept sent messages

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