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Thread: Starting new topic

  1. #1

    Starting new topic

    I have been trying to start a new topic in saltwater and before i can post it the screen resets itself and i have to start again. This has happened a couple of ttimes now. Is there anything wrong.

  2. #2

    Re: Starting new topic


    You have 30 minutes once you go to a new page before it refreshes, this should be more than enough time to post a message. If not maybe you need to type it in notepad or word first and then copy and paste.

  3. #3

    Re: Starting new topic

    Common old boy get a move on .
    It's FULLY SIC man

  4. #4

    Re: Starting new topic

    Listen here brejen, it dosnt take me over more then ten minutes and it refreshs so bite my &*%$#@

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