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Thread: Date n Time

  1. #1

    Date n Time

    PC here is showing the 30th for the latest postings with most times being evening of the 30th?? would it be the clock settings on this PC or Ausfish date n times out??.... ....

  2. #2

    Re: Date n Time

    Everything seems OK here.

    Have a read of the following post on how to set your times in your profile.

  3. #3

    Re: Date n Time

    Easiest way to check would be to double click on the time bottom right hand corner of screen to bring up your PC's Date and Time Properties box.
    Then check the Time Zones tab.

  4. #4

    Re: Date n Time

    PC's date n time seem to be fine here ??..
    Ausfish reply shows as "Today at 22:41:00 and Hoge's reply as 22:42:56??... ...
    Will have a read Steve though i cant or dont have access to tinker around with this PC if need be,so will have to live with it till sorted out..

  5. #5

    Re: Date n Time

    Well thereyago ey amazing what one can do if one can read a little .....

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