I can not for the life of me get a photo on this web site and i just tried for the last 2 hours and lost the story of my trip to cairns, three times . now i give up and drink![]()
I can not for the life of me get a photo on this web site and i just tried for the last 2 hours and lost the story of my trip to cairns, three times . now i give up and drink![]()
take that all back except for the drink bit . it did finally work
Congratulations on the posting [smiley=huh2.gif] Must have been the drink that finally got it to work [smiley=beer.gif] [smiley=idea.gif]
Davo the Great,
You sound like me son. We are great, but sometimes, the smallest things ecape us!!
We can only hope that the plebs recognise us for what we are.
It was only this morning, when I was bored beyond belief, that I tested Einsteins theory of E = MC(squared). Only took me a couple of hours.
I'm still bored but that's all right.
well its all good now and the computer is still on the table no out the window. the photos are in fishing reports under i wish i was a FNQer
What photos? I can't see any photos!Originally Posted by davothegreat
Have a read through the topics in the help section