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Thread: Best In The Business

  1. #46

    Re: Best In The Business

    Sounds like a reasonable assumption Kev - until it happens to you

    The behaviour is a two way thing - your perception is incorrect as many perceptions are - sorry mate not having a chip at you but the two mods are not going to let the cat out of the bag as Steve himself probably doesnt know what they did or the stories told to other members.

    I have been a long term member of this site and I am extremley dissappointed in the actions they have taken over this.

    Anyway you are right - it is time to move on and leave the Bold and the Beautiful to this website.

    Good luck in here



  2. #47

    Re: Best In The Business

    Quote Originally Posted by mod6

    As a matter of interest, should the banned members ( and we all know who we are talking about ) actually admit to their indiscretions and apologize, instead of continually attacking other members, making accusations, attempting to discredit Ausfish etc, via other web sites, then maybe, just maybe, a positive result could occur.
    I just got off my 7 day ban and am annoyed that mine and others names have been tarnished because of this post. Isnt that against chat board rules???


  3. #48

    Re: Best In The Business

    For the record Scott. That post does not include you and I have seen no evidence that you personally have done any of the things mentioned.


  4. #49

    Re: Best In The Business

    As a matter of interest, should the banned members ( and we all know who we are talking about ) actually admit to their indiscretions and apologize, instead of continually attacking other members, making accusations, attempting to discredit Ausfish etc, via other web sites, then maybe, just maybe, a positive result could occur.

    so who did those things, all banned members? is there anything to support that statement yet?

  5. #50

    Re: Best In The Business

    Scott's showing up as a Platinum Member with 1247 posts on my screen.


  6. #51

    Re: Best In The Business

    must have been a glitch then.

  7. #52

    Re: Best In The Business

    It happens sometimes.


  8. #53

    Re: Best In The Business

    Quote Originally Posted by Sportfish_5
    Sounds like a reasonable assumption Kev - until it happens to you

    The behaviour is a two way thing - your perception is incorrect as many perceptions are - sorry mate not having a chip at you but the two mods are not going to let the cat out of the bag as Steve himself probably doesnt know what they did or the stories told to other members.

    I have been a long term member of this site and I am extremley dissappointed in the actions they have taken over this.

    Anyway you are right - it is time to move on and leave the Bold and the Beautiful to this website.

    Good luck in here



    as·sump·tion ([ch601]-s[ch365]mp'sh[ch601]n)
    Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition:

    1: reasoned and reasonable judgment; "it made a certain kind of
    2: the principles that guide reasoning within a given field or
    situation; "economic logic requires it";
    3: a system of reasoning

    Mate, I always do my best not to assume. I arrive at most decisions via logic.

    One could* assume* that the mods had an axe to grind but if you used logic to reason, then it would be logical that given the past conflict regarding mods, it would be *illogical* to think that they would have taken recent steps without being aware of the likely consequences ie that others would *assume* that they had an axe to grind.

    It would also be *illogical* that they would have taken the steps that they did knowing full well that *logic* dictates that the site would be harmed by it unless their *logic* dictated that it was absolutely necessary.

    I have made no assumptions and my perceptions are not flawed because I am driven by logic. If I am wrong, then that means that the site administration has acted illogically and if this is ever proven, then I will hold up my hand, admit my mistake, and apologise.

    I've never visited the Freshwater chat since coming to this site, but a number of pm's have directed me to it in regard to the present troubles.

    The fact that a response to a little kid and his mom could have been so cruel astounds me as it astounded others who responded kindly. Now this cruel response may have been ill measured and delivered by way of us all having different values and standards. Some may not see the response as cruel, others may, due to their values and standards. If it is the case that others didn't consider it to be abusive because of *their* values and standards, then it is understandable that they wouid not see themselves as being abusive and would cry foul if they were reprimanded for it. As I say, I didn't see the thread (at the time) and had absolutely no idea what started the whole sorry debacle but I do know that a subsequent post was deleted by the mods whilst the original post that caused concern was left showing in others' replies. Now if that is the case, logic leads me to believe that the deleted post was of even more concern.......I haven't *assumed* that, I have arrived at that conclusion based on logic.

    I don't make decisions without great thought, although I can be impulsive but in this case my decision to stay here is based on logic despite the fact that I may lose some friendships in the process. They must do what *they* feel is right.

    I'm not arguing a point here, either to defend the administration of the site, nor to point the finger at those who the administration thinks have erred. All I am doing is trying to illustrate that in the heat of the moment many folk *will* assume and will not apply logic to their choices and in the end, suffer because of that. I am not one of them.........I am the Bold and Beautiful

    That's the last I have to say on this matter as prolonging it may only invite troll-like behaviours.

    Cheers Greg and believe it or not, I can understand your concerns.


    To truly hear you must quiet the mind.

  9. #54

    Re: Best In The Business

    Lets see the post you refer to Kev, ausfish posted there is a copy of all deleted posts.

  10. #55

    Re: Best In The Business

    Sorry Greg. I just read that last bit back and it could be construed that I'm inferring that you may act troll-like. What I meant is that there are folk who scour the net just waiting for an opportunity like this. They look for a bit of conflict and then jump in and stir the pot.

    Also meant to add that despite all the current complaints about the mods, there have been recent posts that have welcomed newbies commenting on how they think that the site is one of the most friendliest around and that the mods do a good job. Strangely enough, despite the numbers that seem to be disgruntled with the site, I have never heard anyone voice opposition to that statement and if I'm not mistaken, some who have left have even supported that statement?


    True friendship is like good health; the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.

  11. #56
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Best In The Business

    fafnir your missing my point,
    Sorry Banshee but my comments were not directed at you, nor were they in relation to any of your comments.

    My comments were actually intended to simply be a general statement of what I think are unethical business practices. My comments are not aimed at the owners of any other site, and I am sure there are some good people on other sites. But my comments are fairly and squarely aimed at spammers.

  12. #57

    Re: Best In The Business

    Kev you are not the first person I have met that is always right.

    Must be hard but somehow you are always right.

    Thats the bits I could be bothered to read I am refering to.

  13. #58

    Re: Best In The Business

    This site has provided me with a lot of enjoyment since I joined and has also given me the opportunity to meet some very good people that I'm proud to call my friends. Not only that, I've read with great interest tips about tackle etc which I hope will help me in the future.

    Sure, I've made a blue now and again, have been gently admonished on one occasion, but have accepted that and got on with it. Some people, in my view, seem to take the hard line confrontational approach "take no prisoners" when a difference of opinion arises.

    I was disappointed last week to receive 2 PM's from members whom I wouldn't know from a bar of soap telling me about a new website starting up due to certain issues that allegedly had happened on Ausfish.

    Browsing through that site, a number of those members appear to have a bitter and twisted attitude because of what happened to them. To me, it's pretty simple. If you don't like the rules, then you are free to go somewhere else.

    There's nothing to be achieved by setting up as a new member on this site and raising old issues in the hope of causing a destabilising process, because these new members are simply demonstrating the type of people they are. From what I've read so far on this thread, they appear to have been successful in doing so.

    Put it all behind you and get on with life.


  14. #59
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Best In The Business

    straighshooter.......= mackmauler ! fine.

    we have not banned you since you came in under this name. We have been very , very tolerant of your posts and accusations.

    WE are NOT going to get pressured by you or the others to show / explain why you were banned to the other members of this site, and to that point I am loath to even put this post up.

    Enough is enough, you know why you were placed on a short term ban, as do Shane and Tim. That's what this is about, right.

    I offered a way to achieve a positive result to reslove this a while back............that offer was not accepted.

    I have sort advice on this from long standing, mature members and all have agreed that the bans in place are fair and just. They, us Mods etc are not holding a grudge or even think less about you guys, just doing our job in the best way we know how.

    How about you have a good think about this matter and come back with something positive to say.

    To everyone else here who has been following this and reading this, I hope you understand that this is not an easy job, particulary when people who can and do contribute greatly to this site are banned for an indiscretion. The banning is not as bad as it sounds, it's more like a " gee mate, that post was out of order ", rules are rules and we have to apply them, across the board, no one is immune.

    That's the way it is.

    Bad post = banning>
    Peace offering = rejected>
    Continued rule breaking = ?
    Should this post be locked down and we all get back to fishing ?

    Fish for the Future !

  15. #60

    Re: Best In The Business

    Quote Originally Posted by mod6

    Should this post be locked down and we all get back to fishing ?

    Fish for the Future !
    You would then run the risk of further aggravating the, "there's something to hide debate"

    We're all adult and can draw our own conclusions from the debate without it getting too messy.

    cobber 1, I wasn'y going to discuss theis issue further but if reasonable debate is to continue amongst others then this needs to be said.

    I did not say that I was right, I merely illustrated how I had arrived at my decision. If you continue with responses in the same confrontational manner that you have responded to me, then that only further fuels mine and other people's logic. Who would fight for a cause that is fueled by animosity and personal slurs? Doesn't this kind of attitude further alienate folk from your "cause"?

    Own goal mate.


    Truth is the most powerful force on earth because it cannot be changed.

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