Hi Steve.
Thank you for that, still don't understand, not computer savy
Cheerd Don
Hi Steve.
Thank you for that, still don't understand, not computer savy
Cheerd Don
I tryed to do it and it comes up with 'Invalid file format. Valid files are jpg jpeg gif png JPG GIF JPEG (Wild_One.bmp)'
As stated - Valid files types are jpg jpeg gif png JPG GIF JPEG
You are trying to upload a bmp file.
You will need to convert it to one of the allowed file types, I would also suggest you take out the underscore "_" in the file name.
i convert my photo to 14kb and its saying its to big still..50x38 pixls.
any tips...
Put it up here as an attachment so I can check it out.
tried uploading this pic as my pic but alas it doesnt work, but hey im on a mac, ill attach it here, if you can sort it, much appreciated
Tangles KFC
Resize photo for avatar to 160-120 and it only 16.9kb still wont load ill attach and see if you can do something thanks Rory.
Working now
There ya go, just a little practice and all is good.
Is that a bass ? I'm not a freshie !!!
cheers Phill
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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Sorry to have to ask this guys but I'm tryin to resize a pic of the boat, But for some reason ( i have asked the computer whiz son and the wife) but can't seem to get it under 20kb. The pic starts out at 2.88mb i have got it down to 33kb but it is sooooo small, using infraview as per this thread. Can anyone shed some light on this for me ( not computer minded ) give me metal and i'll make anything you want but computers i got no hope....lol
Sorry but not much I can do to help you. If you have followed the instructions to the letter it will work. Maybe you have missed a step or done one step slightly different. Difficult to help when I can't see you do it.
Maybe post up the pic you have here, resizing it to at least post on the foums, and I will see what I can do for you.
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls
Attachment 67239This is as small as I can get it.
Last edited by Ausfish; 15-05-2011 at 03:32 PM.
Looks like you missed a step, maybe din't do a save for web or didn't adjust the compression. Here is your file and is about 10% of teh file size of the one you sent
Last edited by Ausfish; 16-05-2011 at 08:32 AM.
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls