This tutorial is based on using IRFANVIEW image editing software
You can download it for free for non commercial use at
Step 1. Decide which image you wish to put on the chat boards and open it in Irfanview
If you do not want to crop the image simply do the following. See below for info on cropping an image.
Step 2. On the text menu across the top click on "Image" then from the drop down selection select "Resize-Resample"
Or you can simply hold down the "Ctrl" key and click on the "R" key
A popup box will appear on the screen as shown below
Change the image width or height to 400 (Pixels), click on OK. Maximum width or height should be 400 pixels for best display on the chat boards.
Note - If you wish to use the image for your personal pic (Avatar) then enter the image width as 110.
Then select File - Save As
A popup box will appear on the screen as shown below
Type in the file name you wish to use and select JPG - JPEG Files in the Save as type box.
Another popup box will appear as shown below
Tick the boxes as shown and have the quality setting on 80. You can set this lower if you wish to get more compression to get a smaller file size but you will loose quality.
Now click on Save
Your image is now ready to attach to your post. See this post for info on how to do this
How to attach a photo to your post -
Cropping an image
Here is a small version of the image I will be using in this example. The original image is 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high with a file size of 856Kb
I only want the image of the boat, not all the background and foreground.
Once the image is opened you can simply click and drag with the left mouse button around the section of the image you want. This will show a grey border around the area you selected. Then click on Edit, then click on Crop selection.
The area outside the outline will be removed and only the area you selected will be left, as shown in the sample below
Now go to Step 2. above to resize and save the image

After resizing and saving the final image is 400 pixels wide x 279 pixels high with a file size of 19Kb