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Thread: 5 Qld 1500 Metre Exclusion Zones - GN Sharks

  1. #1

    5 Qld 1500 Metre Exclusion Zones - GN Sharks

    Where is this all going to end for the recreational fisher. It seems that everyone is trying to take our fishing away from us but I can find little where recreational fishers are doing anything to save what we have.

    The following is a quote from the Dive Oz website calling on Peter Beattie to introduce 1500 metre exclusion zones around five alleged grey nurse habitats.


    The Grey Nurse Shark in Queensland has inadequate protection. The Commonwealth and NSW Government's have implemented important measures to protect the Grey Nurse Sharks such as the declaration of critical habitat sites to protect their aggregation areas. The Queensland government is lagging behind and has done nothing to protect the critically endangered east coast population of grey nurse sharks.

    The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and Environment Australia have identified 5 sites in Queensland waters that are of vital importance to the Grey Nurse Shark. These sites are Wolf Rock located off Rainbow Beach, China Wall, Henderson's Rocks and Cherubs Cave off the eastern side of Moreton Island and Flat Rock located off the northern tip of Stradbroke Island. It it is vital that these sites are protected from fishing to minimise Grey Nurse Sharks being hooked and killed at these important aggregation sites. These 5 critical habitat sites must be protected from all forms of fishing, or the Grey Nurse Shark may be soon lost from Queenslands waters forever.

    All divers are urged to express their support for the Grey Nurse Shark in Queensland by writing to The Honourable Peter Beattie, Premier of Queensland.

    In your letter to the Premier, you should state that the Queensland Government must:

    Fully protect all 5 critical habitats found in Queensland waters as 'no-take' marine sanctuaries with a 1.5km radius ;
    List the grey nurse shark as threatened under the Nature Conservation Act 1992; and
    Urgently develop a conservation plan that will ensure the recovery of this critically endangered species.

    Send your letter to the Premier via email ( or through snail mail:
    The Honourable Peter Beattie
    Premier of Queensland
    PO Box 185
    Brisbane Albert Street Qld 4002

    Alternatively you can use the Premiers Online submission form to send your message:

    Let's all do our part in Queensland before it's to late for the Grey Nurse, remember, you do not have to be a resident of Queensland to send a letter.

    For further information visit the Australian Marine Conservation Society webpage ( [ ) to read about their Qld grey Nurse campaign.

  2. #2

    Re: 5 Qld 1500 Metre Exclusion Zones - GN Sharks

    Such a pity they arent aggresive

  3. #3

    Re: 5 Qld 1500 Metre Exclusion Zones - GN Sharks

    Well making the zone 1.5km around Wolf Rock out from Rainbow Beach sure throws a spanner in the works. Wolf Rock was well knowing for great pelagic action and i had some great fishing times there over the years since i was a kid. Lucky there is an area called the Pinnacles NE of Wolf Rock which is the best trolling spot since the closure of wolf rock for Pelagics and after long talks with research people a year or so ago regarding GNS around the area they said that the Pinnacle area would just be as good as spot as wolf rock for breeding and they have no doubt they hang in the pinncale area. They said in the future they would look at protecting the pinnacle area as well. So what do the idiots propose they now make it 1.5km which puts the boundry about a third of the way through the Pinnacles. > . It doesn't protect hardly any other reef area with the new zone so whats the point in protecting probally less then 1/3 of another GNS area. > Gee these people don't have a clue.

    Greg The place for wicked fish pics, articles and DVD's. Your ultimate reef fishing DVD "Double Island Point & Beyond" on sale now.

  4. #4

    Re: 5 Qld 1500 Metre Exclusion Zones - GN Sharks

    Unfortunately, compared to the green all its forms..........recreational fishing is under resourced, unmotivated and a long way behind in terms of political recognition..........maybe the winds of change are blowing but it is going to take a major effort at the next election before we will start to get noticed.

    The one shining light is the harder they kick us, the more chance they may just wake us up!!


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