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Mackerel frames needed
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Thread: Mackerel frames needed

  1. #1

    Mackerel frames needed

    Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
    Queensland Government

    Media Release

    16 January, 2006

    Mackerel frames needed for long term monitoring program

    Queensland recreational anglers are being asked to hand over Spanish and spotted mackerel frames in the name of science.

    The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) is collecting information on the length, sex and age of Spanish and spotted mackerel by examining fish caught by recreational and commercial fishers along Queensland’s east coast.

    DPI&F fisheries biologist Darren Rose said recreational anglers can help in the monitoring of these fish stocks by leaving filleted mackerel frames at drop off points throughout the State.

    “Spanish and spotted mackerel are popular species for recreational and commercial fishers. The information collected through the department’s Long Term Monitoring Program highlights any changes to the status of these fish populations over time and assists in assessing management arrangements for the sustainability of the fisheries,” Mr Rose said.

    “As well as donating frames, anglers can also assist by allowing DPI&F monitoring staff to measure their fish at boat ramps.

    “More than 1246 Spanish mackerel and 1913 spotted mackerel have been measured between July and November 2005, mainly from areas north of Agnes Water on the Queensland central coast,” Mr Rose said.

    “However, we are aiming to collect a great deal more data, particularly in areas south of Agnes and from recreational catches in the first half of 2006.

    “Recreational and commercial fishers’ participation has been essential in ensuring representative samples are collected from across the entire fishery.

    “A number of commercial fishers have been valuable in assisting the program by measuring their mackerel catch onboard and providing us with this information,” Mr Rose said.

    “We are also extremely thankful to all of those recreational fishers who have participated in the mackerel monitoring program so far by donating mackerel frames. Prizes of $100 vouchers will continue to be drawn every three months as a thank you to recreational fishers donating spotted and Spanish mackerel frames between now and the end of the season.”

    Winners of $100 vouchers so far in the 2005/06 season are Joe Nechwatal from Kurrimine, Wayne Cummins from Russell Heads, Trevor Campbell from Emerald.

    Summary reports on Spanish and spotted mackerel information collected during the 2004/05 season will be released in early 2006.

    Further details about the project can be found on the DPI&F website at or by contacting the call centre on 13 25 23.

    Further information:

    Caroline Dalton A/Information Officer
    Ph: (07) 3225 1038
    Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
    Strategic Communication & Marketing
    GPO Box 46 Brisbane Qld 4001 Ph 07 3239 6380
    DPI&F Call Centre 13 25 23 (weekdays 8 am to 6 pm)

  2. #2

    Re: Mackerel frames needed

    But Dave, there's none around! I guess that betters the odds of picking up the $100

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