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Thread: Democrats’ bill would see the end of recreational

  1. #1

    Democrats’ bill would see the end of recreational

    The Democrats’ private member’s bill, the National Animal Welfare Bill 2005, will effectively outlaw recreational fishing, Federal Fisheries Minister, Senator Ian Macdonald warned today.

    The bill, introduced by Democrats Senator Andrew Bartlett, proposes to outlaw the "capture and killing of wild animals for the purpose of entertainment and sport" which would effectively ban recreational fishing as well as other outdoor sports such as pig shooting.

    The bill is currently before the Senate’s Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee, who are due to report back to the Senate by last sitting day in June 2006.

    Senator Macdonald said that although written submissions to bill had formally closed on 30 November 2005, the Committee was happy to continue accept submissions until the end of January 2006, and he urged all recreational fishermen to voice their anger at Democrats’ bill. The Committee was also expected to hold public hearings in the coming months.

    Information on providing a submission to the Committee can be found at:

    “Recreational fishing is one of our most loved national pastimes and great family activity which is threatened by the Democrats’ stupidity,” Senator Macdonald said.

    The $3.3m National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey, primarily funded by the Australian Government, showed that almost 20% of Australians aged five years or older go fishing at least once a year - that's 3.5 million Australians wetting a line annually.

    The study also showed that recreational fishermen spend $1.8 billion on fishing related equipment and activities annually - much of this is in regional areas, providing a vital cash injection to regional communities.

    “The Government is opposed to the Democrats’ bill as it would be a kick in the guts for millions of recreational fishermen and destroy thousands of regional jobs,” Senator Macdonald said.

    “This bill demonstrates once again how out of touch Democrats are with ordinary Australians, and why their Party’s support base has collapsed in recent times,” said Senator Macdonald.

    The Howard Government strongly supports recreational fishing and has provided unprecedented support to recreational fishermen through the Government’s $15m Recreational Fishing Community Grants Programme.

    Media contact:
    Ryan Haddrick, Senator Macdonald’s office, (07) 4771 3066

    13 January 2006

    The Democrats won't carry it - but the Greens will vote for it too - and Labor do what the Greens tell them to - and all of a sudden the breathing space isn't so airy. You only need four Liberals to say 'yeah, whatever', and there not be enough party room discussion, or voter input...

    It came from a Liberal senator obviously, who certainly didn't think it had no chance of getting up - and they know more about how these things work than we do.

    The above was taken from another source...very interesting and a bit scary...Submissions are still being it say about it guys and gals ...feel like sending a submission in?

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Democrats’ bill would see the end of recreatio

    I just wonder what would people actually do if such a law was passed?

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member Truck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Democrats’ bill would see the end of recreatio

    It would never be passed... just think how many people would loose their jobs. And how much of an up roar there would be not only from rec fisherpersons but from rec hunters and farmers. It is rediculous!!!


  4. #4

    Re: Democrats’ bill would see the end of recreatio

    Sean - thats what they said in the shooting clubs.

    And its what smokers said.

    Laws like these have been passed in other countries like Germany.

    We lost 33% of the reef - in a deal that got the GST through the Senate. It is entirely possible for Rec Fishing to be sold out.

    Its is frighteningly close

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