ABETZ, the Hon. Eric
Senator for Tasmania
Liberal Party of Australia
Parliamentary service
Chosen by the Parliament of Tasmania on 22.2.1994 under section 15 of the Constitution to represent that State in the Senate, vice BR Archer (resigned) (term ended 30.6.1999). Elected 1998 (term began 1.7.1999) and 2004.
Ministerial appointments
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence from 21.10.98 to 30.1.01.
Special Minister of State from 30.1.01.
Committee service
Senate Standing: Regulations and Ordinances from 24.2.94 to 29.4.96; Senators' Interests from 24.3.94 to 8.2.01.
Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing: Environment, Recreation and the Arts from 1.3.94 to 10.10.94; Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts: References Committee from 10.10.94 to 29.4.96; Legal and Constitutional: References Committee from 10.10.94 to 9.11.98 and Legislation Committee from 10.10.94 to 17.10.94 and from 8.5.96 (Chair from 3.3.97) to 9.11.98.
Participating member, Environment, Recreation, Communications and the Arts: Legislation Committee from 11.10.94 to 9.11.98 and References Committee from 5.2.97 to 9.11.98; Participating member, Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts: Legislation and References Committees from 26.11.98; Participating member, Community Affairs: Legislation Committee from 17.10.94 and References Committee from 5.2.97; Participating member, Economics: Legislation Committee from 17.10.94 and References Committee from 19.6.96; Participating member, Employment, Education and Training: Legislation Committee from 17.10.94 to 9.11.98 and References Committee from 5.2.97 to 9.11.98; Participating member, Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education: Legislation and References Committee from 26.11.98 to 11.2.02; Participating member, Employment, Workplace Relations and Education: Legislation and References Committees from 11.3.02; Participating member, Finance and Public Administration: Legislation Committee from 17.10.94 and References Committee from 5.2.97; Participating member, Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: Legislation Committee from 17.10.94 and References Committee from 5.2.97; Participating member, Legal and Constitutional: Legislation Committee from 17.10.94 to 29.4.96 and from 26.11.98 and References Committee from 26.11.98; Participating member, Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport: Legislation Committee from 17.10.94 and References Committee from 5.2.97.
Senate Select: Unresolved Whistleblower Cases from 1.12.94 to 26.10.95; Victorian Casino Inquiry from 20.5.96 to 5.12.96.
Senate Estimates: D from 28.2.94 to 12.5.94; F from 12.5.94 to 10.10.94.
Joint Statutory: Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund from 31.5.96 (Chair from 19.6.96 to 4.6.97) to 8.2.01.
Joint Standing: Electoral Matters from 28.3.95 to 3.9.97; Treaties from 31.5.96 to 31.8.98.
Joint Select: Republic Referendum from 21.6.99 to 9.8.99.
Conferences, delegations and visits
Member, Parliamentary Delegation to France and Belgium, June-July 1997.
Official visit to UK, September 1999.
Party positions
President, Australian Liberal Students' Federation 1978.
State President, Liberal Party (Tas) 1990-94.
Born 25.1.1958, Stuttgart, Germany.
Qualifications and occupation before entering federal Parliament
BA, LLB (Tas).
Barrister and solicitor.