NSW Fishing Clubs Association
Wednesday 25-1-2005
Fishers in NSW are outraged by the revelation that fish and prawns in Sydney harbour have been contaminated by dioxins.
“The government has been aware of this potential for an ecological disaster for decades” Robert Smith, the President of the NSW Fishing Clubs Association, said today. “Yet they have hardly lifted a finger to fix the problem or even warn people of the impending crisis.”
Anglers who fish Sydney Harbour have been exposed to the risk because most of them eat their catch. This is especially true for bottom dwelling species such as bream which reported the highest levels of contamination.
“Last year Bob Carr diverted tens of millions of dollars from the garbage levy to the acquisition of the Birggalow National Park but this money was meant to be spent on cleanups like this” Smith said “Then his successor committed even more to establish the Port Stephens and Batemans Bay marine parks.”
The declaration of national and marine parks has cost thousands of jobs and has resulted in significant disruption to the freedoms and lifestyles of outdoor and country Australians.
“The community has been conned again. We were led to believe that the levy would be used to clean up the environment” Rod Burston, spokesman for the Association said. “Instead the money has been diverted to acquire massive marine and national parks designed purely to secure Green preferences for the upcoming state elections.”
“The curious thing is that the Greens have been silent on the dioxin issue for years. Apparently they prefer to use their influence to bludgeon government into establishing these parks and running them in strict accord with the tenets of their ideology.” Mr Burston added.
“The misappropriation of the environment levy has seen Sydney fishers locked out from pristine fishing grounds when they are on holidays and now they are banned from eating fish caught in their own back yards.”
Rod Burston
Spokesman for the NSW Fishing Clubs Association